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Ratings & Comments
Have you ever noticed perfectly good artwork gets "bad" votes simply because it is for Ubuntu or Mint? Also, If it should feature an attractive woman it will quickly be voted down. It is unfortunate that a few narrow minded individuals have nothing better to do. Regardless of the rating, this is a good piece of artwork. This very same thing has happened to artwork I have submitted and I have seen it happen to other Mint and Ubuntu art. Pay no attention to this childish behavior! This is quality work. I support your efforts.
I too have "noticed" this narrow mindedness. My feelings aren't mere frustration. They are closer to rage. This rage is exacerbated by the self-righteous ignorance with which their arrogant denigration is delivered. These moralists are profoundly ignorant of the origins of their own more's. The "holy" values pontificated by these moralists came about from a naked power grab in the 4th century. It was pure designer theology. Unfortunately, these fokaria bastards can't read.
In my case... I am not a bastard, I have two university grades (not an ignorant, I think), I am a professional musician, I can read very well in some languages, and I am very very impressioned with your lack of respect. Please be respectful with another members of the community (the majority) that think different of you.
You allow judged others and you speak about respect? LoL
Do not have "play of words" for your convenience. If you are a serious artist then make art, and leave your high level of testosterone out from there.
@ ubuntico You should take "mental viagra", it shall avoid you saying so much of stupidity ;)
I agree :D
Jah jah jah, in psychology this is named "reflex effect". Poor weakness and insecurity "@mens".
Happy to have made laugh you Mr ubuntico-Freud and thank you for your analysis. Now I smell me better ;)
I yearn for the day when the above-mentioned pontificating self-righteous will follow your advice.
There is nothing wrong with the rather attractive women in this artwork, it is still in good taste and there is nothing wrong with that. What I find exceptional about this artwork is the logo and the lettering that was used. The logo itself is one of the best Ubuntu logos I have ever seen and the style of the lettering really compliments it. The size of the logo and lettering is good too. Often, Ubuntu wallpapers have huge "in your face" logos and lettering, this is not the case with this work. I hope you consider making more wallpapers using the same logo and lettering.
Please, no more Ubombtu......this site is full of Ubombtu fanboy work.
Thx for your positive comment :)
Thx for your comment :)
LOL...just noticed the logo after reading your comment