Glowing Stripes 3
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
it says "not found" when i try to download it.
I tried it by myself - it works.
.... and it hostet here at
I give you the direct link to download:
thanks, that works. i don't know why, but i tested a few gnome-look downloads and it said not found for a few of them. some worked, but some not. that's odd. anyway, thanks for the great wallpaper!
um... i just realised that it's a little too small for my big monitor (i have a smaller pc as well) it's 1920x1080, can u make one big enough for that (i know 1920x1200 is common, that's fine) i scaled it and it works, but the quality isn't the same.
You welcome. 1920x1080:
i really like both of those, but u don't need mac for a picture, so don't say you do, especially on a linux website.
Sorry, my fault. I created it only on mac.