Earth - Europe
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
2011-02-05: Minor chenges! :-)
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
hi dear, no matter. As I wrote: I like this wallpaper. It is a nice work. It works nice together with the SE-interface-red Icons. And then I wanted to say, that such work is not easy to produce with Gimp or other programs. So cheer up guy and go on making such nice works as this one!! Peaople who vote your content down and write such unfair comments should really try to make such things themselves first and then cast their vote!! The other way round is completely unfair. Greetings Karmicbastler
hi dear, son't let yourself make down. This wallpaper is a nice one and I love it. Keep up this nice work. The preposter seems not to have any feeling for taste or even for style. Greetings Karmicbastler
I'm Glad that you like it! :-)
I voted this down for a number of reasons, firstly I didn't like it, the colour scheme was moorish and it seemed to have little attention to details. I also voted down because you flood the site with multiple versions of the same wallpaper; just upload one artwork with different resolutions. I do very often vote work up and post complimentary comments to go with them, I do not appreciate you sifting through my profile voting items down as a "Tit for tat" measure. Usually when I vote down I don't comment because it is important for artists to keep producing more, but please don't be so childish and vindictive.
Didnt know that i can see how you voted, except if ther's a comment that it is writed in!? ...and to day i haven't read a comment until now. Sorry that you don'nt like my artwork! Yes i have looked at some of you'r artwork servel time in a period. And over that period i have voted up on some of you're artwork, and some times down. I doesen't alway leave a comment when i vote down, specilly if i don't have any creative to say!
I do apologize, my comment is unjust and your manner shows I judged you incorrectly. To explain my earlier outburst: My profile informed me that you had visited my profile, I then visited yours and discovered you had voted two of my works down within hours..I assumed this was simply in retaliation to me voting this one down. However now after collecting myself I realize that I was acting wholly unreasonably, you have the right to vote whichever work down that you chose and my protesting is hypocritical. This work in itself is not that bad, my harsh words were influenced by the general tone. I do think the gradients are clever and the symbol in the top corner provides a nice contrast. If I could now I would vote the other way. Again I apologize, and please do not be perturbed by my first comment and continue posting more art, some of your stuff is really great.