Description: Finally,the desktop to end all OS X look-alike desktops. After hours of downloading KDE 3.1, the Mac OS X icon set, liquid style, the White Aqua kwin mod, and some color tweaking to get it all right, I think I've finally made KDE to look and feel like the one true OriginalX.
get the Lucida Grande and Lucida Unicode Sans fonts that OSX uses..
compile KDE-cvs from HEAD so you can have a nice transparent kicker :)
might try the karamba OSX-like panel too.. havent used that yet :)
Ratings & Comments
Good job!
Stop Hating. Lets see you do any better. I think it's a great looking theme, good job. Keep up the good work
this is a nice Screenshot anyone know where I can get the theme? BTW JasonD stop hating on the mans work
Just buy a Mac and be done with it. Trust me, you won't regret it.
but sorry. It's not really even close to OS X.
get the Lucida Grande and Lucida Unicode Sans fonts that OSX uses.. compile KDE-cvs from HEAD so you can have a nice transparent kicker :) might try the karamba OSX-like panel too.. havent used that yet :)
This is not a wallpaper. Please change the category. Thx.
thats pretty cool, I like it :) you might want to change the type to screenshot or other though, background is misleading. Just a thought.
The font, and the action icons, are totally messed up. But still, very nice job. Possible yo could post it on the site?