- a color scheme
- a dekorator theme
- a wallpaper
- a kbfx theme with buttons
- a kdm theme
- a moodin theme
- a domino theme
Revelation - Wallpapers Installation
I. Requirement
Kdesktop (KDE)

II. Installation
1. Right click on the wallapaper > "actions" > "Set as background" > "centered"
2. Tell me what I can ameliorate

Ratings & Comments
I don't think it suits the theme, I was thinking of something more scientific, something like http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Blue+Planet?content=19995 That background suits the window borders but not the blue color in the kicker! But it's fine, I set it as the background :)
Well well, I tried to do something with my own hands, but I can try to do a wallpaper with flame also. I'm really a beginner with THE GIMP so I'll try to do something better. Actually the Wallpapers contain the gradient of the windows as you said which is in fact the lower part of the kicker's gradient, plus some of the gradients from the kbfx buttons. So I hoped using the same gradients would make it suitable to the suite.
You see, ther's nothing wrong with it as a background, it's just that I think your theme deserves a better background immage :)
What about a SVG version of the wallpaper? Being a quite minimalistic design, seems as a no brainer...
I can make an SVG version I think, but what would be the advantage ? I'm sorry I just don't really know the SVG kind of file