Upper portion (night sky) came from image "The Blue Ice Planet From The Cold Blue Solor System" at: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-1GM7VDiWKE/S_pkfxldSaI/AAAAAAAACB0/ASn1KjFt0A0/s1600/The+Blue+Ice+Planet+From+The+Cold+Blue+Solor+System.jpg
Middle portion (clouds) came from image "Full Moon" at: http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/45603/
Bottom portion (beach) came for the image "On the beach v1.0" at: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/On+the+beach?content=134668&PHPSESSID=91f6b76dd15dc70294af16111dc1b184
As this is my own creation, inspired by the work of others, credit to those artists who inspired me is respectfully given.
Ratings & Comments
Gimp manipulation at it's finest I say. Beautiful.
Thank you. Appreciate the feedback.