Hammer n Sickle

Wallpaper Other

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thanks to Potemkin for his gdm theme
i just gimped it

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Patria, Socialismo o Muerte, Venceremos


Can u play with the Nazi symbols too? It will be nice if you'll embed them with the Communist ones... And don't forget that never-out-of-fashion capital "A" in the circle for all those who are as obsessed with symbolics as u are. And let me ask u all folks, what it has to do with Linux? There are people who are offended by the Swastika, by the Prophet's images, by naked boobs and who-knows-what-else! This symbol means the millions human lives being sacrificed for sake of the philosophic wankery of a German Jew Karl Heinrich Marx (Karl Mordehai), who never even regarded himself as "Marxist". It is irresponsible and immature to play with such morbid symbolics... on public at least...


Maybe you could make a higher quality version - a transparent png in 1280x1024 for instance.


sure but what do you mean by trabsparent btw if anybody wants something added or changed (no im not going to delete it) i would be happy to do it everyone may use this image as they please, and there is no need to ask permision or give credit :)


First of all you could make it in vector format instead so it can scale nicely to any screen resolution. And if you make the background transparent then anybody can change the color to fit their liking and the theme they are using.


sure, thanks for the tips


Symbology and art throughout history have been tools manipulate the people. I could name thousands of examples. Some only know the symbol and art from his after effects. This is the perfect example. Some know the symbol and art without the construct of the after effects. I am not offended by the Hammer n Sickle. It is true that was born out of a movement for the workers. It is true that is was used as a tool of Sovietism. The same political idealogy that gave birth to the Hammer n Sickle is not the same political idealogy that has led to many of the comments here. Communism, Socialism, Soviet Communism are all separate methodologies of governement and philosophy. However, media tends to wrap them together and uses the USSR or China or North Korea as the examples. The administrators of gnome-look/kde-look are the ones who must have final say. Until that point, I respect the work. Let us end the flaming.


okay look at the swatztica a symbol of the nazi or a symbol of balance look at the kkk hooded thing they got going on there, a sybol of hate or spanish monks? the list goes on and on


Ok, so if you see guys with swasticas on flags you think they are probably spanish monks, when you see guys with hammer and sickle on their flags, you think they are.... ? And could you tell us what was original title of theme from which you have taken wallpaper? Please, do not pretend that you don't understand the problem. OK, you just wanted to make a joke, but it was not good idea... just remove wallpaper and all will be OK.


When i see a guy with a Hammer and Sickle i for one doesn't think he want to send the worlds children to gulag.


People who were voting for Hitler also did not think that he will make war and concentration camps, people who supported communist in Russia (or everywhere) also probably did not think that they will form most bloody system system. But everywhere commies got a rule, they used terror and crimes.


And why should he remove the wallpaper?


its not a joke, i can post w/e i want here (within reason of course) and i was making a point about how symbols have been warped and abused, not saying that the kkk is about peace + love


Yes, you can, you can also blow a fart in elevator. It is not a problem what you can do but what is good and what is evil. Just think about it. If you are really conservative person, I think you will know what you should do.


Maybe you don't know but your 'art' is the symbol of totalitary system responsable for death of at least dozens millions of people. Millions of those who survived were imprisoned in camps and prisons, tortured, lost their health and properties. Read abott artifical famine on Ukraine when millions of men, woman children and old peoples died from hunger, about GULAGs and other achievements of communism. Probably it is not your intention but you just follow communist propaganda and help them to show communism as "not so bad thing, rather fun than terrible".


okay first of all, the hammer n' sickle are a symbol of the working class, and anti-communists turned it into a communist symbol i am not a supporter of communism, i am actualy on the right with most things (im pro-life, i believe in traditional marriage, and only tradtionalk marriage, and i support our troops) but i think that capitalism is right now screwing the american people, and btw, join the eff, and it is just a wallpaper, if you dont like it (or what it REALLY syboloizes) then just dont download it/ give it a bad rating, dont go around preaching about things u dont have the knowlege to talk about, the nazis did the same exact thing to the swatztica (i cant splell)


I find absolutely NOTHING redeeming about Communism, and I think this BS is just feeding more fuel to a fire in which over 50% of the Linux community is so far to the left that they may as well fall off a cliff. Y'all pro-Communism . . .people. . . make me absolutely sick. Instead of idolizing a system of government which A) has NO concept of property rights, thus you wouldn't own the computer which you're using to post this drivel B) is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people C) creates repressive regimes at the drop of a hat get a damned life and do some studying on Stalin and the USSR! I wonder what y'all that treat Communism as the best thing since sliced bread would do if you moved to China and found out you opened your mouth at the wrong time. Just . . . Go away. Please!


Yes.. communism does not kill people, dictators kill people. But as long as communism is dictators's instrument for mass manipulation. Communism will suck and will be very very bad. The same applies to commies. Communism is just an utopia,... we still being a very young civilization for utopias. So please better stop dreaming about utopias and try to make a better capitalism for everyone, a system that applies to our current space/time. Cheers.


anyone like the other one?


wait a second here now i am not a communist, i just made a wallpaper and people werent murdered by communism, they were murdered by dictators like stalin so before you go around mamking comments like that go take a 8th grade history class


I have not written "by communism" but "by commies". Stalin, Lenin, Dzierzynski, Mao and many others were communists and were responsable for genocides, am I wrong? Maybe you should repeat some history lessons. I hope, you are not communist but in my opinion you should just wonder about peoples feelings. There are some things that shouldn't be a subject of jokes and "funny walpapers".


Millions of people who were murdered by commies surelly would voting 'yes'. What about next "funny" wallpaper with svastika?


yes now we go to the schools so that i may recruit for my empire... i mean for the good of mankind


Good work, thunderduck3141. I see that my campaign of brainwashing the youth of America with my sinister Communist propaganda is already bearing fruit.... muhahahahah!! :D


Good, very good...

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