Angelina Jolie Ubuntu Wallpaper
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Somebody went to the grocery store, took a close up shot of a lime, and uploaded it as a wallpaper.
It's very fun working with that kind of project. You can do it in many ways and it looks better and closer to the real painting more and more when you are testing new shadows and so on. Anyway if you like it im very pleased. Greets.
It's very fun working with that kind of project. You can do it in many ways. Testing shadows and etc... make that the picture looks like a real painting. Anyway if you like it im very pleased. Greets.
Sorry, two times miss! This is the correct text. Sorry again, my bad. It's very fun working with that kind of project. You can do it in many ways. Testing shadows and etc... it makes the picture look like a real painting. Greets and sry again.