90 Adet 1080p duvar kagidi. Gnome icin xml belgesiyle 10 dakikada bir degisiyor.Move folder hd90 in /usr/share/backgrounds and open change desktop background throw background-2.xml in background tab.
Ratings & Comments
this is a collection of others work picked up on the net. Thanks for the collection work, if it has been made by you, anyway.
I download these pictures from torrent. I writed xml and renamed pictures. I'm sorry, I don't know English. :)
Well, don't feel sorry. I'm not telling it's dishonest. That's just another kind of work, and, to my sense and others too, your choices are good. No problem. I just wanted to notice.
Man. it's incredible! Really beautiful and the resolutions are very good! Thanks for sharing these walls, are perfects! Cheers