Description: Uh, um, well, this is something that I rendered recently. There's more to it than the preview show, well actuclly, there are more tiles to the left and right of the orange cube. I am not sure if many will like it, but I enjoy using it as a desktop background so, maybe someone else will, too. I updated this because I took memphidoo up on his / her (Sorry, I don't know) suggestion with the background. A simple gradient has been added. Great call, memphidoo, Thank You Very Much.
Oh, yeah, the gradient put me over the 500Kb limit (Go figure, hun?) so I was forced to use jpeg format, sorry.
Thanks for your input, memphidoo. I completely agree with you about the background. I've been thinking of a few things. I might have a few more orange cubes falling - in the background - or do something like a gradient (as you suggested) maybe with a light pattern.
I rendered this in Blender 2.37a with the yafray 0.0.8 engine.
I like this wallpaper! I think you could also easily improve upon it. The background needs a little something more. Perhaps a gradient background, or a wall back there or something. Just my thoughts...I like it, though :)
Ratings & Comments
Nice an simple, thought is not my default background. Start making icons !
You know, I didn't even think of making Icons. I have always wanted to. Thanks
Thanks for your input, memphidoo. I completely agree with you about the background. I've been thinking of a few things. I might have a few more orange cubes falling - in the background - or do something like a gradient (as you suggested) maybe with a light pattern. I rendered this in Blender 2.37a with the yafray 0.0.8 engine.
What did you use to make it?
I like this wallpaper! I think you could also easily improve upon it. The background needs a little something more. Perhaps a gradient background, or a wall back there or something. Just my thoughts...I like it, though :)