Description: Well, here is my very first posting. I had this idea stuck in my head one Sunday morning, so I made a quick render of it. It was made using Blender with Yafray in Ubuntu Studio. I hope everyone likes it! Oh, and if anyone wants the .blend file let me know.
I've also added an updated version(wasn't exactly happy with the first one). Enjoy!
Oh, and(this should go without saying but...) ubuntu studio, Blender and Yafray are all copyrighted by whom ever they belong too.
Ratings & Comments
That's a really great idea! I should really think about remastering an ublendtu studio.
Thanks, I've decided to start on a full Gnome theme to include splash screen and GDM screen and icons, etc etc. Heh, but it might take me a while.
A full GNOME theme would be great! I use blender on Ubuntu Studio as well, so this would be perfect. Keep up the good work!
nice work!! really gratz!!