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* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Thanks! You're officially my first commenter. w00t! I just tried to replicate your font effect... I think I got it.. not sure though.
I've have already answered you to your comment in "ubuntu plasma" section. If you have any doubt that my humble gimp knowledge can solve, just feel free to mail me at inhuman.rampage(at), ok?
also, I just posted up my shameless rip of swirls, giving full credit to you. what do you think?
I've already seen it and the other one you have uploaded. I've also commented it :D
Absolutely incredible! This actually inspired me to mess around on gimp for the first time in ages! I wonder though, how did you get the fill light to not add a purple hue to everything, and yet still fade into the rest of the image?
Hi, thanks for your comment. I'm happy you have started using gimp again because of this wallpaper. My English isn't as good as I'd like so I don't understand very well your question, sorry. All I can answer you is that the light effects are made with different layers with one supernova on each one over a black background. The rest is just iwarp effect.
hey thanks a lot for making such a beautiful wall and also sharing with us how you accomplished it. :)
Realy nice work, how did you do that? In Gimp?
thanks for your comment :D yes, i've made it with Gimp, using different layers with supernovas on each one and iwarp effect.
Really? I will also try that! Awesome :P I vote good.
really, really XD one layer for the background, and another four layers for four supernovas, each one transformed with iwarp filter. You give 'em the shape you want and this is the result. It has to be easy because my Gimp level is very low hehe. I'm glad you like it ;)
Gimp is VERY easy to use when compared to photoshop and paintshop pro. It is very clear to know what you get from what menu. Like if you want edit colors, it is from colors menu. If you want edit layer, it's from layer menu. And if wants edit image, its from it's image menu. And then just a rule that when ever has a selection, everything is dont to it with tools and filters and not to layer. I hope photoshop would be as easy as Gimp :-D
Agreed - it's the same with bloody Fireworks as well. With GIMP I say "I want to edit 'x'", then I got to the 'x' menu and voila; done! With Fireworks it's pretty much menu 1 > menu 2 > menu 3 > dialog 1 > etc etc > finished. "But that's not the effect I wanted". Windoze BSOD. GIMP rocks! GIMP FTW :)
Yes, I will try it too ;]