Distro balls
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1.1 Added a Slackware ball. Oldest linux distribution deserves a place in this wallpaper
1.2 Blue version is now available in 2 different widescreen resolutions. I have resized some parts and don't really know if it has lost some quality, my screen is 4 and I don't appreciate it very well, so comments will be welcome
1.3 Fixed reflection issue. Better quality and higher resolutions available.
Ratings & Comments
hey, i've that wallpaper without text, and it seems better than those (with text and colors)..
Thanks Heaps That is Best best wallpaper ive ever had tyty!
Please add Arch Linux's logo here. Thanks. :D
Nice work! I wonder if you've got a version without text - my conky usually goes in the bottom left corner ;-)
send me a message with your email, the color and the resolution you want and i'll send you the wallpaper ;)
Hi, I see you still don't fixed that transparency issue. Well, you can put all these balls in a .zip file and upload it on mediafire.com (or any file hoster) Then , I'll take care of it! ;)
Can you put logos separatly here? (one distro ball per image)
you're asking for a different wallpaper per ball?
I want have balls separatly, either as many png files, or an xcf file(your gimp source file).
I could send you many png files with the balls. The gimp source xcf has in the same layer all the balls together, so they can't be apart.
I always knew Linux was ballsy.
I see what you did there... also what's the progream you list in your sig?
omg... I'm far to tired to be posting comments. *face palm* please internets... forgive me...
is there any chance you could put an arch logo in that? otherwise this is one of the coolest walls that i've used.
i'll try to add missing distros but currently i'm a little busy with my exams. Hope to upload a new version within this month, so please be patient ;)
Nice concept, I like it!
thanks! ;)
Hey I'm a kinda new Linux user so I don't know what distros are on there but I can name a few KDE GNOME XFCE Ubuntu Debian SUSE Fedora Mandrake What are the others?
The 3 missing distros : Slackware Gentoo Sabayon
KDE GNOME XFCE Those ain't distributions, those are Desktop Environments. KDE and GNOME are at least working on other operating systems than Linux too, like FreeBSD and OpenBSD. I'm not sure about XFCE but I think it is working too. This is great wallpaper because it just reminds that we all are using same operating system (linux) but we have hundreds of "flavors" (distributions) where to choose what kind system we want to have when we use Linux :D
What about the enlightenment logo ? :-)
I see the reflect effect is applied individually instead of globally. What it does? Look on the "Floor". We can see the balls who are supposed to be "behind" by a transparency effect.
Hi, I've been already told about that. You're right, reflection should be applied globally. I didn't realized it when making the wallpaper and now it's hard to solve because I don't have all the source files needed, but I'll try to do it. Thanks for your advice!!! :D
YOU MEAN YOU DON'T kEEPT THE .XCF FILE? If there is one thing every graphist must know, it's to ALWAYS keep the source file. ALWAYS
well, I'm not a graphist, but of course I have the main xcf file. I just needed some pics I didn't save as .xcf filetype(yes, big mistake). Now I got them again and I'm working on the reflection issue, hope it will be solved soon. Higher resolution versions are incoming too.