Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
voted down for posting the same thing many times.
I posted different sizes of wallpaper as own images. Is that wrong???
actually, yes it is. it is the same as releasing an precompiled binary for a program or different version of a program as different multiple things, when actually they are the same piece of software or the same art. you could just make one submission and offer different downloads inside of it. if you dont, you will spam the whole front page and annoy other people like me. i would rather open one thing, and see "ah there are different versions inside" than see the same tiny thumbnail 10 times and click on "next page"! or would you think differently?
Sorry to ask but how I do that? Upload multiple images inside one post? I clicked edit button. There is rows CONTENT1, CONTENT2... but only CONTENT1 row have option to upload image. All other content rows have only option to paste url.
IMHO it is not wrong. One fits to my CRT at home, the other fits to my LCD at work. And it is a very funny picture!