After adding a second screen, it soon became evident that Gnome was not able to provide the customization that I required. I tried out KDE having used it before many years ago. I had never liked it before, but something was diffreent now - I can't place my finger on it, but I really dove into it. I'm so much happier now, everything is very easy to use, tons of great features, and I can't wait 'till KDE 4 actually works

FYI: It scales quite nicely - I made a 1680x1050 version and it looked great!
Ratings & Comments
great BG, thanks
Thanks, glad you like it! At the time I wasn't really sure how it would do, but I haven't really used it myself in a while, and since I just recently switched back to it. I realized I really liked it for the first time :p and that reminded me to check back here...
To the real world...