Description: Enjoy. A geometric carving derived from the vector tux. Rendered in the Lightflow Global Illumination renderer, with aqua balls. Makes fun of the mac... Idea based on something else I saw here once, but Can no longer find... Said Think Linux; or something to that effect with an aqua tux.
enjoy or whatever. sources avalable upon request.Last changelog:
"Think Differently" is what's technically correct, but you can make a case for "Think Different."
Someone asked an Apple exec about this, and his response was that "different" isn't intended to be an adverb modifying "think", but ought to be viewed as the object of think. When you say "think big", you're suggesting that we think about big things, not that we think in a big manner. Likewise, when Apple says "Think Different," they want you to think about things that are different, or about the concept of being different.
In other words, "Think Differently" is telling you to change HOW you think, while "Think Different" is telling you to change what you're thinking about. There's a difference.
This doesn't change the fact that Apple is playing fast-and-loose with grammar, but the fact that we're even discussing this is a testament to the catchiness of their slogan.
Really nice, I like it and replaced my old wallpaper with it. But this wouldn't be a comment from me, if I wouldn't ask for a version with a transparent background. So, could you please add some .png-Version without solid background? :-)
Are there any people whose native language is English ?
I think "think differently" is wrong, "think different" is right, or am I wrong ?
Besides that, it's very nice ! But, I also don't like those buttons on Tux.
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"Think Differently" is what's technically correct, but you can make a case for "Think Different." Someone asked an Apple exec about this, and his response was that "different" isn't intended to be an adverb modifying "think", but ought to be viewed as the object of think. When you say "think big", you're suggesting that we think about big things, not that we think in a big manner. Likewise, when Apple says "Think Different," they want you to think about things that are different, or about the concept of being different. In other words, "Think Differently" is telling you to change HOW you think, while "Think Different" is telling you to change what you're thinking about. There's a difference. This doesn't change the fact that Apple is playing fast-and-loose with grammar, but the fact that we're even discussing this is a testament to the catchiness of their slogan. Steve
I never thought any discussion on kde-look would end up as a semantics debate!
Well, this would all be clarified if Apple had used a single puncuation mark ":" as in "Think: Different".
HAHAHAHA!!!! The last 3 posts have my wetting myself with laughter! I like the art, too!
Really nice, I like it and replaced my old wallpaper with it. But this wouldn't be a comment from me, if I wouldn't ask for a version with a transparent background. So, could you please add some .png-Version without solid background? :-) Thanks
ya, they're right Differently is an adverb whil different is and adjective.
think different is incorrect that's why I made this
Too many kids these days do not know proper English grammar. Yes, the correct version uses an adverb: "Think Differently".
Are there any people whose native language is English ? I think "think differently" is wrong, "think different" is right, or am I wrong ? Besides that, it's very nice ! But, I also don't like those buttons on Tux.
actually think best with the amiga logo ehehe
nice wallpaper but could you please make a version without the aqua buttons ?