Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
change the "devian" text place
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Ratings & Comments
I still use this wallpaper.Really good work.Thanks :)
thank you!
yes in a Zip file.. are two walls.. in the blog just search and you will find...
Could you just link directly to the archive? That would be more appropriate. Also, instead of a zip file, why not put these wallpapers in a tarball or a gzip file?
I don't thing that the link on title page of blog is the best to achieve the wallpaper.
A wallpaper in .zip !? oO
I'd like to see this in orange (but nothing that I can't do within KDE) but a version without the 'Debian' at the top right corner would be nice...just the logo. I keep my kicker at the top, and the name is half-covered in it's current position. Overall, however, a very beautiful wallpaper. :)