Any Color You Like
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It uses the murrine, industrial and hc engine. All of them comes pre installed in at least Ubuntu, probably in many other distributions to.
Feedback is appreciated. =)
*0.4 2010-01-18
-Changed the tasklist buttons or whatever they are called.
-No longer uses the clearlooks engine.
*0.3.1 2009-10-10
-Fixed the scrollbars in Open Office, kinda hackish solution but it will have to do. =)
*0.3 2009-07-20
-Smaller toolbar-icons.
-Made some borders and frames invisible, this made the theme look a lot "cleaner".
*0.2.1 2009-05-09
-Fixed some bugs that I had missed in the previous release.
*0.2 2009-05-02
-Put the murrine engine in the mix to fix some design details that was bothering me.
-Buttons, Combo and Entry boxes is now drawn with the hc-engine.
*0.1 2009-03-14
-Initial release.
Ratings & Comments
how port to gtk3?
I haven't used gtk3 yet so I don't know how it works. I might look into porting this theme when I switch distro to something using gtk3. But I don't know when that will happen.
delicious, like your iconset. thanks!
Switzak, I think I've commented on all your other awesome ACYL creations.... I have a bug to report this time, however. The scrollbar in OpenOffice doesn't appear. When I scroll with the mousewheel, the pixels where the scrollbar should be do not change. The pixels don't change when I click, and I can't scroll by dragging. They do change if I move the window off-screen and back on, but it's always some distorted mess of pixels. the problem isn't present in firefox or other apps as far as i've seen. Also, whenever I click and drag the scroll bars, they disappear and then reappear when I let go. the only thing wrong with this screenshot is the sidebar in OO. i use various utilities to hide desktop icons, menubars for gnome apps. http://drop.io/o8nskbi262
Thanks for the bugreport, I see now that I have the same problem with OO and will try to fix it. However as I have just moved to a new city. And will begin my studies at the univeristy tomorow I might not have so much time to work on my projects here on gnome-look. So don't hold your breath.
That third screenshot looks great. What's the wallpaper?
Thanks, the wallpaper is something I picked up here on gnomelooks. It is called Nevermore. Link: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Nevermore?content=77930
Anyone has idea how to change GTK colors in XFCE4?
You could try gnome-color-chooser. I don't know if it will work since I don't use xfce, but it's atleast worth a try. =)
I love minimal themes, and this one looks great. and I like the you let me pick the colors I want..
Nice One! I might replace my current Industrial with this! Thanks!
I am glad you like it. =)