Mint-X-Fixed (dark menu)
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
I'm new to Ubuntu, and I've just started playing with themes, but I've tried to apply this theme a couple of times and I'm not getting the results I expect. I would have thought that the controls would move to look like it does in the screen shot (I know the wallpaper won't be there). When I apply the theme all it does is change the borders and icons. Do I need to install something else?
Active tabs have an orange highlight in WinXP (#FFC73C, according to some screenshots) not blue. Don't let the anti-windows trolls get you down.
I personally like the windows xp interface. but then blue is my favorite color. besides, I don't think anybody will walk behind you and assume that you are using windows just from looking at this skin
Indeed, this looks like a very nicely-made theme, and pleasant to look at, too. Good job!
I think this is a great theme! There are always going to be people who want to be religous about things. I don't respond to those kinds of remarks. It's not productive. Just wanted to let you know that your contribution was appreciated. Thanks.
What is the point to make your environment like m$ windows???
Think about it... e.g. in order to make the transition from Windows to Linux easier for some people? And then there are (for whatever reason) users who like the Windows look. Just take a look at the Vista theme rip-offs here. They got a very high rating by Linux users. ;) Btw. Not my style, but well done, nonetheles.
i do not think the transition can be made easier just by changing a wallpaper and some colors to blue. the rip offs can never be as good as the original ones, so why try to make things look like windows or mac? i think you should use your time on making linux themes instead! but that is just my opinion.
PS: I just read tough your other comments on this forum. You are only insulting people on this forum from what I see. Not one constructive comment anywhere. That irritates me somehow. Did you only register for poo-pooing around? :lol:
To make the transition of Windows users to Linux a bit smoother. ;) Now here comes a real question: How come thousands of themes resembling Mac OS X GUI style come up and nobady says "Whats the point of imitating the Mac OS X interface"?
That's a very good point. (^^) I have in fact run into people that think that Mac is only for the 80s and school, but to each their own, right? Some people like the Luna theme, some like the Aero theme (ee!), and there's no reason that people shouldn't be allowed to have some fun with their theming capabilities!