I wanted to do a clear, clean and sleek theme, and yes, I'm very very very perfectionist

This theme is made with the checkbutton/radiobutton pixmaps of Catartica
Emerald: Lilium (in tar.gz)
Icons: QDark Sleek
Cursor: Neutral Plus
Font: Lucida Grande 8
Ratings & Comments
nice theme
Another fine work.
Thanks "friend"
Thanks "friend"
Thanks "friend"
This looks very elegant. Would you consider making another version with a bit more accent colour (especially in things like the progress bars and selected items)?
Thanks, yes, I can make another version more collorful
I love this bro,especially with Simple 2.0 icon theme,damn nice! Keep improving it bro,I'll recommend it on China Ubuntu forum.
many thanks :D I'm working on it, thanks for recommending and for the comment
It's a good start. I really like it! :) Best Regards
I'm glad you like it, I have some other themes in mind ;D
nice theme, voted good...i just miss the combo box arrows and, i would change the window borders, they are too glossy for this smooth theme, and the black outline is too harsh, imho
I have a emerald theme made by LaGaDesk for this theme. I will upload it
wonderful thing. Only one thing I would change: could you make the sighs on the buttons in a silvery color like here: http://linux.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/Murrine-Silk-Screenshot-47414.html ?? This would look so nice on your theme. Greetings Karmicbastler
Pretty nice theme in my opinion. See you bro
Thanks, but needs more changes, has a lot of bugs