For original clearlooks engine you should use ClearLooks-compact2 theme. It less compact but don't need patched engine.
Patched engine:
Ubuntu Feisty
Simple method, to install gpg key and add repositories, install this package
then install new gtk2-engines packge
Or all of that you can do manually
Receive my gpg
$ gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv BC91F270
$ gpg --export --armor BC91F270 | sudo apt-key add -
add repository in to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb feisty extra
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines
my gtk includes patch for clearlooks engine, without it
ComboBoxEntry and slider will be drawn incorrectly.
After installation run gnome-theme-manager select in it Clearlooks theme, then press "Customize"
and in "Controls" select Clearlooks compact.
also available surces packages
deb-src feisty extra
for russian ubuntu users more information available at http://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=7623.msg57802#msg57802
For others distributives:
download clearlooks sources
from http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/gtk-engines/2.10/
unpack and cd in to ./gtk2-engines-2.10.1/engines
apply my patch (command in one line)
wget -O - | gunzip - | patch -p1 -i -
compile and install engine
install theme
Special thanks to benzea from #gnome-art
Ratings & Comments
http://img369.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot6es9.png Here you can see differences (at bottom default clearlooks, at top compact theme but without patched engine, and at the right compact theme with patched engine)
and big progress bar size it is program design problem, not style if you look at third screen at top gnome-panel you can see gxmms with little progress bar size.
Thanks for pointing it out.
What is patched exactly? Coz what I see on the screen shot all can be achieved with reducing the x/ythichness and the style properties of the widgets. Besides the progress bar is still 20pixels with is really really ugly! Especially when used next to those tiny widgets...
Hi linvinus! I can see a flag (us) in the tray on your screenshots. Is this a keyboard indicator? Could you tell us where you got it? Thanks!
it is gxneur program http://xneur.ru/wiki/SettingsEng
heaven for small screens. perfect for doing artwork too. thanks!