The original Elementary Theme is here: (
I was made some changes on some components and colors to meet my personal taste, so I will not blame you all if you realy hate this mod

Here's the changes:
1. Recolor the scrollbar to Selected items background colorscheme.
2. Nautilus Elementary zoom slider now use murrine engine. the original was pixmap.
3. Change check/radio buttons & make them smaller.
4. Smaller statusbar & toolbar text size.
5. Smaller gnome main menu icon size.
6. Progressbar now squared & recolorable to Selected items background colorscheme.
7. Add space between tabs and make their round value smaller
#Please take a look at priview image.
Please don't be hesistate to leave a comment.
Hope you enjoy it.
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
But in the LibreOffice apps, the slider is missed ! any hint?