Wildcat - Arbeit Macbuntu

GTK2 Themes

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Wildcat 1.3

formerly Arbeit Macbuntu

- In alphabetical order: Bagley, DanRabbit, DG09, Eamon63, Gekos, Seahorsepip, Spliceosome, Timorei. Without their work this theme could not be made.


- Theme was designed to use with Global-menu-applet!
- Theme should work with Ubuntu 10.04 but it's not confirmed yet. Lucid Lynx users are asked to confirm if it works ;-) If it's not working, i'll try to fix it.
- There are versions for 10.04 (Wildcat 1.3 NL for normal nautilus and EL for nautilus elementary) and for 10.10 (Wildcat 1.3 NM for normal and EM for elementary nautilus)

::What's new::

- I've get rid of equinox and aurora engine!!
- New notebooks!
- Version for regular nautilus!!
- Slightly recoloured buttons.

:::: ICONS ::::
- Icons are here:


There are some changes and i really encurage you to use this versions of icons (but i've get rid of this fake "left/right" button so if you still want to use it you have to stick with older version for now)


- Firefox looks best with: Hide-menubar Add-on, Foxdie Add-on and theme, and Global-menu Add-on (can be downloaded from DeviantArt)

- This theme is compatible with dg09's emerald themes.
- There is Emerald theme in the pack - it is modified dg09's theme with Spliceosome's "statusbar"

- Unpack ".zip" file. You will get "Arbeit Macbuntu New.tar.gz" file which you can install via your theme manager (in ubuntu just drag and drop it), or you can unpack it and move it to your ".themes" folder (hidden in your user folder)

- You can do the same with icons in "arbeit-macbuntu-icons-new.tar.gz". If you want to manually install it, extract it and copy to your ".icons" folder (hidden in your user folder"

- This theme has transparent separators so you can arrange your buttons as you like. In my screen it is: "up", 3 separators, view-mode-button, 3 separators, edit location, location pathbar. But of course you can do what you want.

::Ugly Global-menu Arrow::
- If you're using Global-menu-applet you may notice that distributor logo has ugly arrow underneath. To make it invisible there is "hide-globalmenu-triangle.tar.gz" file which you have to extract in your user folder. There are two invisible files ".arrow-blank.png" and ".gtkrc-2.0".

:anel Backgrounds::
- They are in Panel-backgrounds.tar.gz archive. I think you know what to do :-)

Have fun, its GPL ;-)
Last changelog:

1.3 - 23.III 2011
- New notebooks.
- Version for normal nautilus.
- No Aurora or Equinox anymore.
- Slightly recoloured buttons.

1.2 - 18.II 2011
- Glow around buttons!!!!
- 2 versions of theme: 1 - using equinox engine and with tweaked Gekos breadcrumbs (first screenshot). 2 - using murrine engine with my aqua breadcrumbs.
- Fix for updated Chrome (Chromium).
- There is no black dot in nautilus icon-size scale.
- Sound scale matches all other scales.
- Other metacity (with smaller buttons) in package.
- Few new panel backgrounds.
- Metacity buttons are on the left by default.

1.1 - 10.I 2011
- New scrollbar
- Entries are square now.
- Combobox
- New slider in nautilus
- New toolbar background
- New metacity
- And now theme is compatible with Firefox FOXDIE Theme

1.0.2 - 12.XII 2010
- Added forward/backward button - "up" button.
- Added fix for globalmenu arrow.
- Changed colors of combobox entry
- Fixed problem with .

1.0.1 - 27.XI 2010
- Reuploaded with panel backgrounds.

- Solved problem with distributor logo, and with refresh icon - now they look as they should :-)

Ratings & Comments



Could you please prepare an alternative version of the icon theme, with folders in the original Mac color? The current version is great already and seems like a good alternative to Faenza Cupertino, but the silver folder just not always match. Of course, one can do this manually, as they are included, but it's quite a load of work, renaming and rescaling them.


Hi, Nice theme. However, I have noticed a problem with the buttons on the Gnome Compacter and Skype. If you pass the cursor above these buttons, you cannot say if it they are active or inactive. Do you know what I mean? Sorry if my English is confusing. Best regards.


Are these buttons on toolbar? If you could make a screenshot and put it somewhere like imageshack or photobucket - i would like to be sure :-) If they are toolbar buttons then i think i know what to do, and problem will be solved in next update.


Here with Wildcat: http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/album/verFoto.php?codigo=8127# Here with a theme were the button gets detached: http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/album/verFoto.php?codigo=8128 Best regards.


Hi. I've solved the problem -it'll now look like this http://img801.imageshack.us/i/zrzutekranuyg.png/ Only buttons you can toggle will have this, normal buttons will stay as they were. Tell me which version of theme You are using and i'll make updated version for you :-)


Hi, I am using the last version: 1.3. Thanks for the attention.


;-) I was thinking if you are using version for Lynx or for Meerkat, but ok, i'll do it for every version ;-)


Sorry, I misunderstood you question. I am using Linux Mint 10, thats is Maveric Based. Bye.


which icon set are you using?


If you're asking about system icons - i'm using modified Macbuntu icons (included in package), but if you're asking about dock and desktop icons - they are various icons from DeviantArt.


hey, you wrote that you did something about/with synaptic. i'm having trouble with synaptic's toolbar, so in case you have a fix for that in your theme it would be great if you could point me there. (i looked through gtkrc and Apps/ but couldn't find anything synaptic-specific.) thanks in advance!


Hi. If your problem with synaptic toolbar is ugly looking handle and search box then there is a simple way to solve it (that was problem with my theme). Go to gtkrc file and find what is the "style" for class"GtkHandleBox" (type GtkHandleBox in search). When you find line with: ... "GtkHandleBox" style "something" change it to class "GtkHandleBox*" style "(here put the same style that your toolbar is using)" make sure to put it somewhere below class "GtkToolbar". This should do the trick.


thanks, that really helped. weirdly enough though the right half of the toolbar has a different gradient now than the left. guess something is still going wrong...


meaning: in fact it doesn't work (yet) :) but it's really pretty astonishing to see how many themes have this problem.


how do i remove it? in earlier versions there was an uninstall script. Can´t find it in this one


Go to your user folder and press ctrl+h -> now find ".themes" folder and open it -> there you can find "Arbeit Macbuntu 1.1" folder and just delete it. And - this is not official Macbuntu theme! "Arbeit Macbuntu" is my modification, using some graphic and icons from "Macbuntu" theme.


wooow I must say this is the best Mac theme I've seen so far!!! congrats and keep the excellent work up


Thank you :-)


Look, don't take me the wrong way, you did a nice job! But it's disgusting to think a REAL LINUX GEEK wants their box looking like a MAC! I run Linux for Linux, I don't want it looking like Windows or Apple! Linux geeks should learn to respect Linux and make Linux looking themes! PEACE


I hope you don't use wine, cedega or dosbox because it would be a blasphemy for a real linux geek ;-) Okay, okay, just kidding. I understand your point (but it does not mean i agree with you). The thing is - OS X looks great. It's simple yet colourful GUI and people just like the way it looks. Linux has many great themes - recent are Orta, Atolm, a bit older Elementary or Clearlooks Revamp. They are aesthetic and looks nice, but they are too minimalistic - it's all only black, white and grey. Clearlooks Revamp is a bit more colourful but event this theme was too minimalistic for my taste. And it's not like i use only OS X themes, and i don't only make OS X themes. I am still trying to make not OS X-like theme that would not only look nice but would be REAL pleasure to work with it. I understand that much of linux users think that theme should be hmm... how to put it - it should be minimalistic, and should not distract user during work. Yet it still should be aesthetic. Ok - i understand, but i have other priorieties. For me theme should look astonishing, when user first see a simple button he should think "hey, it looks great" and then he sees progressbar and thinks "whoaaaa" ;-) My english is too bad to express properly what i want to say, but i hope you know what i mean. Theme is like a piece of art, and there are different tastes - one like Netherland masters like Rembrandt or Vermeer, someone else like imressionists like Renoir or Degas and so on... problem is: Linux has many masters of art - and they make nice themes - but they are all minimalists, not a single impressionist or even classicist. Of course i don't want to offend any of great linux theme designers. It's just a matter of taste, and i know, i'm much worse painter than they are, but i'm quite good art counterfeiter ;-)


does not work in 10.04 ;-((( even if i use the "force" option


Maybe it's a matter of murrine engine.


there is no "Panel backgrounds" folder


Sorry, my mistake. Extract "Arbeit Macbuntu.tar.gz" there, in "Arbeit Macbuntu" folder, will be "gtk-2.0" and there will be "Panel" folder - there are backgrounds


Ok, i've corrected it. Now there is "Panel background" folder in the main .zip file. But you can also find panel backgrounds in "Panel" folder in "arbeit macbuntu.tar.gz" file that you have downloaded.

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version 1.3
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