Based in Technix
Emerald theme based in Aurora_Leopard_BSM and Plain Black-Vista
Icon set Black-White 2 Gloss
Font Sharjar Bold 10
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P.D.: Version BETA in development, you remain attentive to new updates.
8.21 "Revision"
- Solved some problem of colors in the buttons and funds.
Ratings & Comments
the version 8.1 is very nice :) thx with your theme, but i don`t understand why you use a "wehrmachts" -helmet with the swastika emblem. what would you like to express? please use another symbol for your theme, there are alot of other military symbols you can use, i think.
I bed your pardon, repair.
Simply the best looking grey theme I've seen. Functional, clean, and attractive.
Very beautiful for a gray theme. I think there's still some work to do on popup menus and panel to be perfect. TKS !
as always good work!!! thx
Open terminal & type twf then pres enter :) your theme(the widget factory of course) what the terminal says.......................bad vote from me
Hi there Whipo Well how about you consider this - if you just type gksu nautilus in the terminal it will report any serious errors or bugs with your gtk theme in the terminal as your linux system runs on gtk. Now what you say is true but the widget factory is UNOFFICIAL and although it may report errors if you run it via the terminal - I'd say it's safe to ignore these - as the OFFICIAL gtk does not.
We are here to discuss the theme not who is using what and how. Errors are errors and if he/she cares he/she should fix them. Not to mention his/her constant updates with no change log. As far as i know nothing was ever changed in this theme since it was first uploaded,even if it was there's no way of knowing without downloading it.
Yep you are correct - gtk makes reference to lines 1991 - 1994 - a missing window-bg image and twf declares an invalid border reference regarding the scroll bar- although it still works... Perhaps you might be able to suggest a fix? It would be a lot more helpful than commentary...
Is that all you can fix.
In next upload repair fixed border "frame10.png" and "frame11.png". step by step,
What weather widget is that you are using?
Are you a Japanese? Why is Tokio and minitary? J
I am Tokio-VS-Nepal the name of my theme is MILITARY-STATE
i like the colors and the pretty tabs, just not a fan of the strange border around the menubar and toolbar. plus, the vista titlebar is icky!
I agree about the window border, I also think the scroll bar could be improved. Lets be useful and make suggestions: 1. Window Border Buttons: change from the glass look to a more rugged beaten, chunky metal look. Worn olive drabs and beaten chrome. 2. Scrollbar on right: Change to a more chunky flat, instead of rounded. Make more olive drab than white metal. Overall very nice theme though, good job.
thank`s for the nice updates!!! thx
Can you tell us what font and size are you using? Thanks in advance!
:) Sharjah Bold 10 Thank you.
Saludos amigo, resulta que no pude instalarlo en Hardy Heron, de todas maneras te di el voto bueno, en las capturas se ve muy bien. Por favor si tienes alguna sugerencia para la instalacion hazmela llegar.
¿Has extraido del archivo que has descargado el GTK theme y el Emerald Theme? Extrae el contenido del archivo que descargas en el escritorio. Tal ves sea eso.
Excellent work.This is the best theme I've used. Combined with Polaris window border looks great.
Thank you, but the GTK is ready for your emerald theme.