Spark(Faísca)Versão 1.00, baseada no tema xfce(Olivier Fourdan) e no esquema de cores de MurrinaXubuntu.Para instalá-lo, descompacte e extraia os arquivos para /usr/share/themes/ com permissão superuser ou .../user/.themes/ sem superuser.Spark Version 1.00, based on xfce theme (Olivier Fourdan) and MurrinaXubuntu color scheme.To install it, unzip the files and copy them to /usr/share/themes with superuser or .../user/.themes/ without superuser permission.Feel free to modify or correct a defect.
Ratings & Comments
Muito bom ;) small bug: background of cpu-freq panel applet not being set/matched ...
I'm coming out of my dark theme period and starting to use lighter, clean themes like yours, pretty refreshing.
Amazing, very beautiful, clean theme.
Thanks :D
I did not try it yet, but I thank you in advance!