Radiance gray flat
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
Other GTK2 Themes:
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Ratings & Comments
Just Love it :D Big + and thank You.
Thanks so much for this. It looks very nice. However, the small trash icons are different than the large trash icons. The small ones use the Humanity icons while the large ones are the Elementary icons. I discovered this while using Docky.
Thanks. When I had free time. I fix. Although I plan to create a new icon set. But we will see, it all depends on free time.
Nice on the eyes for a light theme, fits well with bluish icons [didn't use your icons]. Only thing i noticed which could be improved, is that the buttons on the border of a maximized window stand out from the border [in a bad way] Even so, using it right now, and i rarely change my themes, so good work!
Button has been fixed
Thanks is for my mint
Whoa! I really love than window border, it's quite better than original radiance, really nice, but... It has an error when maximized: http://i.imgur.com/xFCy3.png If you fix it, I'll probably use it. PD: The flat version doesn't do this.
Thanks. It is repaired.
Easy on the eyes, very professional. Just what I have been looking for. Thank you very much.