I modified "FC-Fino" because I don`t know how to write a theme from scratch.

I`m using nuoveXT icons and avant-window-navigator in the screenshot.
I hope you like it. (If you have suggestions which help me to improve the look of the theme, please post them.)
Ratings & Comments
In fact, this one is very cool. Dunno why its so low rated.
Hi I would like to have the icon pack that goes with this theme, im saying this because i would like to see how youve put those custom "network connection" bars in. Thanks.
That`s just the networkmanager in the tray. It displays the signal-strengh of my wlan connection with the normal progressbars from my theme.
I know its that, but it seems different to mine? more tangoish were as mine is dark boring blue?
Hmm, maybe it hasn`t changed from your old theme. Restart your gnome session, maybe it`s different afterwards.
how do i change my gnome-session? i would like to learn this so i can use it in the future, Thanks
You should log out, and then log in in your gnome session (restart).
ahh ok :D
"I modified "FC-Fino" because I don`t know how to write a theme from scratch." I don't either, that's why I modified a modification of a modification for Fino. :D I did learn quite a bit from it though. I'll have to try one from scratch when I have time. I do like your take on it though, nice colors and touches on the menus.
In the screenshot I see a menu-bar in mac-style! Is it? Sergej
Yes, its a GTK hack. See here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241868&page=14 It was very hard to apply the mod, I wouldn`t do it a second time. I`m going to update the Eleganz style, for people who do not have hacked there gtk2, soon.