Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1. Change MenuBar to match MenuItem
1. Re-designed almost all of the artworks.
1. Remove some unnecessary codes and
graphics... Improves speed.
1. Change buttons
1. Fixed some bugs appearing in ".xsession-errors" regarding illegal borders.
1. Add some shade of black to Menu-item
2. Change shadings of ListHeader
3. Change shadings of Tabs
4. Change shadings of buttons
1. Redo button shadows
1. Change menu prelight
1. Add more depth to buttons
2. Change menu prelight
1. Re-design the buttons
2. change toolbar buttons prelight
3. re-design progress bar and scroll bars
4. tweak some colors
Just change the license type.
Ratings & Comments
Could you tell me which icon theme did you use on your imetalV3 screenshots? The battery and volume icons, in particular, look very good.
I am using "Echo Icon" mixed (and some icons replaced) with icons from other icon sets. ..
thanks mate
how can i this theme install on my ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy ????????? im new user guys sory!!
Right click on the desktop and choose "Change Desktop Background" ..then click on the "Theme" tab and then choose "Install..." button. ...then browse on the directory where the GTK2 theme is saved. ...choose the GTK2 theme you want to install and click "Open" ...then to activate the theme you have just installed, click "Customize..." button. ..then choose the theme you want. ..then click the "Close" button.
it there a way to add some depth to the menu bar, kind of like what the menus have when hovered over an item> other than that, this is a great theme
Hi, I don't know how to add it here, ..I might have just to use "Add Content" option.
Well designed with a good choice of colors. Thank you.
Thanks. ...