Lucid X (aka Karmic X)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is a newer version of my Karmic X-theme. It uses the new murrine-engine from GIT and has some new effects on scrollbar and buttons. It is still work in progress. Tell what you think. What could be changed? Does someone know the new murrine-engine and can tell me some other new options i can add to the theme? Thank you for your feedback! Last changelog:
Alpha release: I am still unfamiliar with the murrine-engine from GIT and dont know all possible options. Tell me if you have some ideas.
THIS WILL NOT WORK IF YOU DONT USE MURRINE-ENGINE FROM GIT!!! YOU WILL GET IT FROM HERE: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Murrine+Engine+%28Ubuntu+Packages%29?content=99516
Ratings & Comments
I really love your theme, however there is one bug when using on ubuntu lucid. It does not handle indicator-applet well and in menus displays dark text on dark beckground. I am not themer at all. I have not managed to fix it. Will you please look at it?
With my very limited ability, I've managed to come up with this: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2751/4267718750_83877df022_o.png It's not great, however. Especially the hover-text on the buttons need to be darker - but I like the general look of it.
Theme looks great ! Voted good :)
I love it better than the default theme.
Maybe the color of the scroll bar should be changed .Make it same with the background or just make it dark. Hoping with Xfwm pack. Waiting for realease
I think it is compatible with Xfwm. Please try out and tell me it works. About the scrollbars: it is very difficult to get some everyone likes. Try it out now at first and then tell me what you think. Maybe you will like them as they are. Have fun!
....why don't change selected background color?Have you tried other color gradients?
Yes i tried. But i like this the most. Have you some suggestions?
I really like this theme, it's very good. Could you do a version with a bright metacity (changing color at the same window)? Thanks
I tried but a cant:( I am not a real themer. I study politics and it is just a hobby from me. I would be happy if someone could make a bright version of this theme:)