Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This theme is truley as work of art, please download and have fun.
Beware, this theme may be to much for light theme lovers :-)
Please Enjoy,
v1.2 - Added theme and preview.
v1.2.1 - Changed Metacity buttons, I am not sure what I was thinking last night. Chrome effect buttons now added to compliment the chrome effect text. In addition In Active buttons now display what they are, having them show nothing was another no brainer I had last night.
New screenhot added, incase yours still shows the first one on screenshot1. Please refer to screenshot2 for the updated theme preview.
-Added screeny of "The Widget Factory" so everyone can get a better idea of the theme.
-Corrected Metacity colors so the frame can now be easier to see and uploaded new screeny. You may have to refresh your browser to see the new screenshot.
-Adjusted Button colors, now brighter.
-Added Menu graphic.
-New screenshots uploaded.
Noticed on some monitors that colors didnt show well and looked dirty. That should be corrected now. Also these themes show best in dark rooms.
-Fixed Tab alignments.
-Adjusted Button colors.
-Added Notebook Graphic.
-Code Optimized.
-Adjusted Text Entry color.
-Adjusted Slider Trough color.
-New Widget Factory screeny uploaded.
*Notes: Speacial thanks goes out to BVC for his assistance on helping get the notebook backgrounds working.
-Fixed Left and Right tabs display error.
-Adjusted background 2% lighter.
-New screenshots
Ratings & Comments
where did u get the panels from id love to know
Totally awesome theme. Thank you for coming up with something that doesn't mirror either Vista of OSX.
Thank you for making a good-looking AND usable theme that also happens to be dark! I had problems with the menus becoming unreadable in Firefox, but worked around it by installing a brushed metal theme on FF, which renders text in black on the silver background. It'll do until they fix whatever the problem is so that your theme works properly. Just wondering... will you also make an orange-ish gold (ie. amber) theme?
I actualy do have a orangish colored theme plus some metal tones available as well here on Gnome-look.. just look for them under my name..
could u make a white version please (white instead of blue) that would be very cool
I did think of a White or light greay when I was developing the graphics for these theme but decided not to go with it due to it would be harder to read the buttons on prelight & active even when I did change the prelight & active colors. I am not like many "theme artist" here. If it isnt easy to read and the theme isnt crisp and clear I will not publish it. I am still evaulating a GOLD scheme for these themes. But before I will release it I still have to release the complimentery XMMS and GKrellM skins that are still in developement.
hey...could you say me where if can find that mushroom wallpaper? thx
You know I am having trouble finding it again. I have had it for a few months now. But as long as you know i didnt make the wallpaper you can grab it from my website http://www.banditshome.net/packages/source
That is a rather famous wallpaper from Digital Blasphemy, titled "Fluorescence". It can be found on this page: http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/freegallery.shtml It's even supposed to have the site URL in the bottom-right corner of the image. I've seen it everywhere, that's all. :D (Posting this just in case anyone is interested in that, or similar wallpapers by the same artist.)
it's from www.digitalblasphemy.com That guy is like... a digital artwork god!
very nice! the only thing I notice is when in Firefox and I roll over 'bookmarks' and down the popup menu, the selected text is unreadable because of the blue bar. Is there a way to change that or is it strictly firefox. I don't see this problem with other themes. Thanks!
This is actualy a bug in firefox. I have submited a bug report to them. Fx 1.0.7 and below did not have this issue. You will notice the icons are aboce the highlight and the text is below. They both should be above. I will continue to complain to the Fx devs until this is resolved. It only appears on the pixmap engine. The other egines like Industrial and Clearlooks dont have this issue. I will admit, it bothers me too. If I can find a workaround I will submite a new theme asap.
O BTW.. I have tried a few themes out for firefox that correct this. But then they dont match the system theme. After I have got these themes finalized I do want to try my mand at theme building for firefox. I am sure its not that hard. But then I will be correct the highlite bar..
I am not sure how to install this package, can anyone explain.
Just drop the file onto the Gnome theme manager. It will install itself. Then just choose it from the menu.