ambiance-clean RGBA! sexy slim scrollbar!!
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
new ubuntu ambiance theme cleaned by me
elementary nautilus mod by jecovier ported by me...
(original here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elementary-mod?content=119715)
now e.o (elementary oriented)
from the great theme of danrabbit...
now ambience is more elementary...hope you like it!!!
support for RGBA!!!
85 % metacity trasparence..
if you want to have mi icon set download it..from the link...
thanks to mastropino for his help... Last changelog:
elementary nautilus mod by jecovier ported by me...
(original here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elementary-mod?content=119715)
now e.o (elementary oriented)
from the great theme of danrabbit...
now ambience is more elementary...hope you like it!!!
support for RGBA!!!
85 % metacity trasparence..
if you want to have mi icon set download it..from the link...
thanks to mastropino for his help...
v1.0 elemenatry-mod by jecovier (ported by me)
v0.6 new sexy slim scrollbar
v0.5 slim scrollbar...
v0.4.1 minor fix..
v0.4 now e.o (elementary oriented)
v0.3 more effect to button
v0.2 more purple
v0.1 first release
Ratings & Comments
I'm having a really hard time getting this one to work. After installing I get something like "this theme will not display properly because elementary-purple" icons are not installed. In Customize I get "This theme will not display properly because aurora is not installed". Even though I thought I installed it. Any tutorial would be very welcome.
for the icons..you must download the icon set..there a link in this post.. for aurora I don't know....
Hello, love your theme, BTW how can I get my menubar to look like yours mine stays grey and doesnt look like it has any depth. Hope you can help me.
which version of ubuntu you have??
Hello!, I'm Using 9.10
Thanks for your quic reply, also, id there a none purple-ish version for this?
which color you want?? :D I'll do it.. :P on ubuntu 9.10 there are some error for someone... I use it on lucid...
Lucyd eh, that might explain my issue, anyways since you kindly offered to create a different colored version of your theme perhaps gray or dark green would suffice? Thanks in advance, did I already say I like your theme alot?
dark green button..or...dark green windows? say to me...and I'll do :D perhaps.. I create a theme call nostalgica... :P secret :P if you want to became a "beta tester" :P
Oh, the windows are just fine the way they are, so the color change would be cool for the buttons I think, and as for your new theme, sure, ill gladly test it for you, maybe some day I'll find some time to learn how to create or at least modify themes.
Does it works only on lucid lynxs? Because I'm experiencing many warnings in gtkrc and theme doesn't seems ro work... I've addedd you in gtalk (ingegnerlillo, I'm from Florence), hope you can help me...
Hello as you call the vertical bar where you have links to the main directory? (the one on the left) ----- Ciao come si chiama la barra verticale dove hai i collegamenti alle directory principali? (quella sulla sinistra) {Sono anche io italiano :P} Mirko
for the close button of metacity I suggested the use of orange instead of purple (off the background color and still incorporates the new official colors)
thanks....i create a variation with orange button... :D up in 5 minutes
I've created..but don't work... I fix..and upload...
Vey nice delsa =)
thanks mastropino... :D thanks for your help..
where do i get that purple wallpaper? :)
you can find the wallpaper here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ubuntu+new+purple?content=121126 hope you like it...
much better :D
thanks :D
Thanks SO much for cleaning this up. I move my buttons to the left and the original made the layout look bad. Thanks again. Great job!
thanks :D