Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1.0.0 -> first release
1.1.0 -> added xfwm4 theme, improved now playing screenlets (smaller text)
1.2.0 -> improved emerald theme (buttons), added second emerald theme
1.3.0 -> improved inactive entry button
Ratings & Comments
Hello i like your theme very much. I cant do the rhombus things.. and the bottom info... can u help me ?
Hi! Thanks, I'm glad you like it! First you need to install screenlets in you distribution with your package manager or whatever. Nowplaying screenlet is included in screenlets. After this you can install the following screenlet: Nowplaying screenlet: It's included in screenlets pidgin screenlet: For install my screenlet themes please read the included readme files. :) Other screenlets I use in screenshots are: Lyrics, Impulse, CircleClock and FreemeteoWeather. All you can find here on
I'm really impressed with the work that everyone puts into the themes that they put on here!! I have a website up if anyone ever wants to check it out. Its all about Linux.
Thank you very much and for the link too!
Permanently the best !
Thank you very much! :)
This is a great theme
Thank you very much! :)
:) Thanks for using my Suite!
I came here looking for a new theme but instead found an entire suite. It's exactly what I had in mind... say... you can't read minds can you? ,-) Anyway, kudos man you did an awesome job on this one. Thanks!
Thanks for your great comment! Hope it works good for you! :)
Its been quite a while since ive been active here, i can't quite believe one of the first things i come across on returning is of such a high standard. I've come to expect nothing less of you LaGaDesk, but this truly is beautiful. Great job =)
Thank you very much for your good words my friend! I'm also not very active here. It is my first publication for a long time here. You can look for my other new stuff at my deviantART gallery. Thanks again. All the best for you! :)
This package is so damned cool you are the master of themes, I love the way it is complete with AWN theme etc. It's simply awesome.
Many thanks! Glad you like it! :)
Thank you. After a long time, a pleasant viewing experience on our notebook. Special thanks for Goodies like Awn theme, icons, emerald. It makes a complete theme look.
Thanks a lot! Much appreciated! :)
Thanks vm for a unique, original style. Well done :]
Thank you very much! :)