Not my work. Clean and light themes by mgutz.
screen1: Illigant (emerald) [thelonesomedune]
screen2: Illigance (emerald) [salledemusiquedechambre]
screen3: Lambda (metacity) [Amorphoulux_WP_by_GrungeTV]
Wall authors please suffix filenames with your id.
Murrine >= 0.98
Copy _themes folder content to .themes. Select Fn Light controls in Appearance Preferences.
Window buttons are necessarily large for use on transparent background.
Mid-dark to dark smooth walls yield best results for transparency details.
Use Faenza Icons and Ubuntu font.
From me:
These are my two favorite themes. I posted this with permission from mgutz after he deleted all his artwork.
Changes >= 0.3 are mine

Ratings & Comments
Heue! Gratias tibi! ars formosissima!
Finally a damm decent theme that doesn't like some sorry ass OS X or Windows! BRAVO to a real Geek! PLEASE keep it up, Linux needs people like you to inspire the LOOK of Linux and not all the others... CHEERS
simply love it, especially lamda :) thanks for sharing!
Loving this theme. I'm working on a matching AWN background. One issue. The title angle edge overruns the right border on windows with long titles.
That's an issue with Emerald. Mgutz fixed that for me on another theme by padding the right side of the title. For Illigance, enter this in Title-bar Object Layout (2)CNX(5)T(10):: Will fix the themes tonight.
The link is just a screenshot ?
oops, thanks. fixed
I signed up to comment. Illigance blows me away. Best light theme for Linux. Stunningly clean. Divergence now Illigance. Linux has never looked so good.
well that's it for me for a while. i had to fix illigant. it was bothering me. hf customizing all!
good job
No hard feelings on my end. I enjoyed it while it lasted. And I'm embarrassed and apologized for the childish remarks I made. Did you mean to use the Fn Gloss panel background in the last screen? I never quite finished Illigance. Ubuntu's orange is a difficult color to use for glass/plastic. The tab was a quick idea. It should probably be symmetrical to make it less busy on the left. I'm still a Linux user, server mostly. Who knows after I calm down I might send something your way.
come back anytime. you were not kidding. some people are out for you. they voted you down on my thread.
I figured out one guy. He's been down voting all themes except a couple. Perhaps boosting his friend's ratings. I can't figure out another guy's pattern with a lot of down votes. I think you are right. There are people on here not being critical at all. They are just being asses.
Could I convince you to continue with Illigance? I think integrating the buttons inside the tab like Illigant would look rather nice. Radiance buttons maybe. Also try black for the glass background?
thumbs up!
a true gentleman!