Clearlooks Dark

GTK2 Themes

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Debian Squeeze has a dark them based on Clearlooks- but it is very dark!

I wanted to create a dark Clearlooks theme, but inspired more by SamsamTS's excellent Sugar theme.

This theme has dark panels and menu-bars, but light drop-down menus, and colourful icon-matching selected-item colours. (The themes are designed to work with the Elementary or Gnome-Colors Dust icon sets by Daniel Fore (DanRabbit) and Victor C. (perfectska04).)

It borrows a lot from Shiki-Colors 4.6 by Victor C., and a little from BSM Simple 0.8 theme by Bruno Schmidt Marques.

The light menus mean Iceweasel in Squeeze won't display menus correctly- I've included a css file which (partially) corrects this. Debian users can also update to Iceweasel 3.6 which doesn't have this problem from the Debian Mozilla Team repository- see the Readme file).

Please note: there are several versions of this theme, with different colours to match the recommended icon set. (Screenshots have been updated to reflect this.) The theme can easily be modified to match the colour of any icon set- any requests, please leave a comment!

The themes only use the Clearlooks engine, so should run on most distros.
Last changelog:

1.3 Removed an unintended Murrine dependency- the theme should now only use the Clearlooks engine as stated.

1.2 Corrected a problem that would have prevented the Dust and Pink themes displaying properly if installed individually.

Updated the ReadMe file regarding the menu issue in Iceweasel 3.5 in Debian and how to install higher versions which no longer have the same problem.

1.1 Edited Metacity file to remove hint of brown from Shiki theme.

Ratings & Comments



I was looking for a theme that used dark panels, and light menus. It looks quite good. Very polished and professional looking. It was very easy to install. I'm very pleased. Very nice work indeed!


Hello, on debian sid, some apps are now with gtk3, and break the theme. Can you add a gtk3 compatibility to your theme, who was awesome ?


Unlikely for a while, as I'm using Squeeze stable- so no GTK3.


I fully understand, but why you can't make the theme compatible gtk3 ? You can make a theme for gtk2 and gtk3.


I mean until I have GTK3 on my computer, I won't be able to experiment with the CSS theme files that GTK3 uses. Anyway, this them is basically a modification of the Shiki/BSM themes- I'm not a theme writer, I just hacked them around a bit. I don't have the skill to write a CSS theme from scratch. Maybe if a Shiki or BSM GTK3 theme appears, I'll have a go at modifying it to the same colour scheme and using the same buttons- but that's unlikely to happen for some time, if ever.


Shiki and Clearlooks have been ported to GTK3, and I'm running Debian Wheezy, so I should get round to updating this theme for GTK3 soon.


almost good. brown is not beautiful. Really. It looks like shit. But the idea was cool anyway.


The highlight colours match the icon set: brown for Gnome-Colors Dust and blue for elementary. My mistake for only posting screenshots for Dust. The theme can easily be adapted to the colour of any icon set. Any requests?


Screeshot No.2 now shows Clearlooks Dark (blue highlights to match the Elementary icon set).


Screenshots now show: No.1- Clearlooks Dark (Elementary icons) blue. No.2- Clearlooks Dark Dust (Gnome-colors Dust icons) brown. No.3- Clearlooks Dark Pink (Gnome-colors Illustrious icons) pink.


the dark part of the window is still brown. That's the part I don't like ^^


OK, I see what you mean now. It was a hint of brown remaining from the Shiki theme. I've edited the Metacity file now, so window borders should be dark grey. (The advice always seems to be to delete the theme files from the .theme folder before reinstalling.)


Looks good; i always like fast clearlooks based themes ;). There is one thing - the metaciy theme is not looking so good; i am using the metacity theme of the Shiki Colors themes, instead...rgds.


I've tried to match the traditional Clearlooks buttons but with a dark look to match the Debian Squeeze "Darklooks" theme- for a slightly retro feel. Are the buttons not displaying correctly, or do you just prefer the Shiki buttons? Everything but the buttons/icons section of the Metacity file is borrowed from Shiki, so yes, just use the original Shiki Metacity file for more "modern" buttons.


No (about the buttons) - it's just a personal preference ;) .rgds.

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version 1.3
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