Description: This is a mod of zammi's great "Ribbon"-Theme. It makes the panel look way less bloated and changes the menus' grey-ish tone to the white-ish one used everywhere else.
Recommended window decoration is zammi's original Compiz-Theme.
Please remember that this is my first GTK-related theming experience, so be polite .
I liked this theme a lot, but the blue was too bright. Also, I did not have Candido or Ubuntu look engines installed, so I am uploading a modded version withc uses the clearlooks engine and remarks the ubuntulook engine. I also darkened the gray, and the unselected menu items are too white.
You can download it here:
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
I liked this theme a lot, but the blue was too bright. Also, I did not have Candido or Ubuntu look engines installed, so I am uploading a modded version withc uses the clearlooks engine and remarks the ubuntulook engine. I also darkened the gray, and the unselected menu items are too white. You can download it here: