Hey man nice job.
but lol im kinda new and i was just wondering how the heck do you get the panel at the top of your screen, im using xfce4. and i cant seem to find anything searching through google ^^
if any1 could help, would be nice ^^
Just the theme i like. simple and clean, but beautiful.
great work, man...
should fix: in the "update manager" progress bar i dont see time and how many updates are left to download when progress bar cover the letters.
Ratings & Comments
hello, great theme! just one little comment: there's too little contrast between enabled and disabled input fields. keep up the great work!
Thanks, contrast between enabled and disabled input fields will be fixed.
Nice job man!But could you tell me how did you make it? Just to satisfy my curiosity,
Thanks, specify your question a bit more precisely.
It is exactly the kind of design I was looking for - in color and format. Keep up the good work. Voted "Good".
take a look at this pic: http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/5697/progressbarlargemp5.png there you will see the problem.
Should be ok now (ver 1.2.1).
now it's great. Once againe, great job man. I love the theme. It's just the one i wanted.
Hey man nice job. but lol im kinda new and i was just wondering how the heck do you get the panel at the top of your screen, im using xfce4. and i cant seem to find anything searching through google ^^ if any1 could help, would be nice ^^
Thanks, it's not a panel - it's Conky http://conky.sourceforge.net/
heyyyy thanks bro :D
Just the theme i like. simple and clean, but beautiful. great work, man... should fix: in the "update manager" progress bar i dont see time and how many updates are left to download when progress bar cover the letters.
Thanks, I look at this progress bar.