Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Based upon the themes
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=34132 by cimi86
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=33513 by lokheed
I wanted something that wasn't so bright, and better highlighted what it was your mouse was moving over.
Thanks to Cwiiis for finding so many bugs that I would never have noticed.
To change the default scrollbar colour open up the gtk.rc file in the Black theme folder and uncomment the correspending line (commenting out the colour you don't want.)
-Fixed text colour on progress bars.
-Added more prelight effects to various buttons.
-Fixed text colour on nautilus location buttons.
-Fixed text colour on combo-boxes/combo-menus.
-Edited various images.
-Added better text-entry notification.
-Fixed bug caused by fixing a different bug.
-Added optional scrollbar colour.
-fixed vertical margins not displaying.
-Altered numerous images.
-Added proper highlight to menus.
Still to do...
-Fix Dropdown issues in Evolution and others...
-Add prelight to checkboxes?
Ratings & Comments
I had downloaded your theme from http://art.gnome.org/ in Sping 2010 and have been using it since. It is my favourite theme of all time. Thanks
hey, this is a really nice theme, it's the exact color scheme i like, with small attractive controls for good screen realestate, without being too cluttered however it stuffs up when using a partially-transparent png as the panel background, don't spose you could fix this?
Hey, i took your windowframes from your theme to combine it with my custome theme at my ubuntu... they look very nice together . thank you =)
Sorry to be total n00b guys but I've installed this theme and it doesn't look right - as if i'm missing something?
I took a screenshot of how it looks. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/186/427962813_b828629478_o.png
please tell me where you got this wallpaper from!!?!
The theme is great, the shiny black you use is perfect. I think you should put some "background" behind each icon of Gnome's top and bottom panels though. As it looks now, the icons on the panels doesn't seem to integrate well with you theme. Try a theme like Brushed, and look at the difference with yours, I'm sure you'll understand what I'm talking about. That the only annoying thing I found in this great theme, keep up !
This update seems to have messed up the font-color of the menu's in the Gnome Menu. When selected, the font becomes white, just like the background-image, making it virtually impossible to read. It remained black when selected in version 1.5.
Could you post a screenshot? The menu background should be a darm iamge when highlighted.
The menu (Applications, Places, Desktop) are, like I said, images - the problem is that either the image is supposed to be black-crystal like everything else, or the author of the theme accidentally changed the font to white, making it clash with said background, seeing as how it is mainly white, or light colored at least. http://tobias.munin.dk/gnome/black.png
Hmm, have you tried doing killall gnome-panel in a terminal? That image should definitely be black now. :\
are you sure you haven't used cog or have anything in .gtkrc-2.0 or gtkrc.mine to change the color?.. like style "panel" { fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" } widget "*PanelWidget*" style "panel" widget "*PanelApplet*" style "panel" widget_class "*MenuItem*" style "panel" class "*MenuItem*" style "panel" class "*Panel*" style "panel" widget_class "*Mail*" style "panel" class "*notif*" style "panel" class "*Notif*" style "panel" class "*Tray*" style "panel" class "*tray*" style "panel"
ignore the font comment above as it is right to be white. ...sorry, wasn't hinking straight :D Didn't ubuntu breezy have problems like this with the Menu Bar? I don't know personally because I never use it, and I don't know if it was ubuntu specific or not either. Works correctly here and I'm 3/4 breezy and 1/4 dappper.
Actually, I was just negligent and didn't actually ever restart my theme, which is why it was displayed incorrectly here. So it's neither a Black 1.7 issue, nor an Ubuntu issue (as far as I know) - Just a think-before-you-comment issues. I apologize for the inconvinience.
No problem. Had me worried though.
ahh , thx for this update.. seems to have fixed all issues i found.. including evolution location button and some open office button. getting perfect ;)
now that is one sexy screenshot! great work. where can I get that cloudy background from?
yes I would also like to know where I can download that wallpaper from?
Thank you for the recognition :)
I loved your work... but I couldn't find a reason yet of that this GTK2 theme make my system very slow. Would you please tell me if you have any idea why? Thanks.
glad to hear that i'm not alone with this problem
Not too sure why this could be happening, it's the first I've heard of it. If possibel could you run metacity-theme-manager Black In a console and tell me what errors it spits up, also try running the benchmark. It comes up as 3.3 on my machine.
Sorry, that should be metacity-theme-viewer Black
it's 6.5 here. it not really like making my whole system slow, but e.g. switching desktops is terrible...
Its not the metacity theme, its the gtk.