Inspirated by Tango icons set, Lumiance, Cobble and Tempura GTKThemes from the amazing Lokheed. Also inspirated by the amazing Candido metacity theme

Fit perfect with Gaim Tangoish Suite Guification theme (here :
This is my first GTK2 theme... I hope you'll like it !!

Ratings & Comments
Both download links seem to go to the blue Metacity theme; neither one goes to the original Metacity + GTK bundle
Everything good, except a color palette. May be you can make less gray color and some more white. I think white color is what is not enough.
I like your theme but where did you find your wallpaper? I love!
Hello, Thanks :). You can find the wallpaper here :
Hi! I've installed this nice theme, but I only have metacity theme running. What gtk engine uses it? bye
Hi What is your distro and Gnome version ?
Debian Etch GNU/Linux with GNOME 2.14. Maybe some piece of GNOME isn't yet 2.14 :(
Pretty weird... I don't use Debian so I can't help you... Maybe you can wait for some updates and you'll be able to run the theme :).
good theme, thank you!
Thank you :). Can everyone please tell my why they voted "bad" ? That would help me to understand why and change things that are wrong ;). Thx :).
i voted for good, but i can tell you what you can do better, but that´s only my opinion: the tabs have another outline than the other part of the notebook. the scrollbar needs more color, for example a blue stripe like on the tab at both ends. the taskbar should look like togglebuttons (like in the nautilus navigaton buttons that show you where you are). the menubar has to be a little bit, only a bit brighter, that you can see black text better. that are the improvements, they are only my opinion :) greetings olinux
Thank you for the feedback :). For the panel buttons, I've already been working of these yesterday so it's done for now :). For the tabs, I'll try to work on it and for for the menu bar, I'll try to do something "lighter" :).
thanks! the new version is much better!
Nah I must thank you for your feedback :). I'm currently thinking of bringing some changes later so... ;).
Can you please add a link to the nautilus background?
It's here :) : I'll be working on a background too later :). (and remaking some little things too).
Just added the screenshot. Since it was to big (800ko in .png). I used a .jpg with a unreally good quality just to allow you to see how it looks :).