Description: A blend of the simple elegance of SuSE's Gilouche theme and the bright, jazzy colors of the Ubuntu Human theme.
First screenshot is with the Gilouche Metacity (included). Second screenshot is with the Compiz (CGWD) theme "Orange-look" by Lauri Taimila (with some minor modifications by myself, using the simple edit features of CGWD Themer).
The CGWD theme, the wallpaper, as well as a full list of Orange-look updates for Ubuntu can be found at Lauri's website - - and include several changes to complete the Dapper artwork.
NEW: With Lauri's permission this GTK theme is now named "Orange-look GTK" as part of the already exisiting Ubuntu Orange-look changes.
NEW: Added the link to the GDM for this theme to consolidate the two in one place.
Excellent theme!
1 suggestion though:
The light orange selection color makes looking at selected text more difficult be cause of the low contrast between light orange and white, I suggest darkening up the selection color or making the selected text a different color that contrasts well with light orange, like black.
Keep up the good work!
Ratings & Comments
Excellent theme! 1 suggestion though: The light orange selection color makes looking at selected text more difficult be cause of the low contrast between light orange and white, I suggest darkening up the selection color or making the selected text a different color that contrasts well with light orange, like black. Keep up the good work!
How can i make the panels transparent?
It looks great!
I'm happy you think so!
Hi, very beautifull theme, good job and thanks for it.
Thank you for the comment, and your welcome. =D
Nice work indeed. May I add this to my Orange-look guide (
Thank you, and yes you may add it to your website. ^^
I like it a lot!
Thanks for the positive comment. =)