Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
You need Murrine engine and new Clearlooks engine by Cimi (must support GUMMY style) in order to use this theme. For those who use ubuntu 7.04, you can use pollycoke repository to install new versions of gnome-themes and gtk2-engines packages:
deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/pollyrepo feisty/
deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/pollyrepo feisty/
This theme support gtk-color-style. This means that you can easily change theme colors from gnome-theme-manager.
version 0.8:
-Changed GumminaLooks windows color to new one choosed by Cimi for the new Clearlooks engine.
version 0.7.1:
-Added menu background for GumminaLooks Silver. Also GumminaLooks Silver now requires pixmap engine.
version 0.7:
-Added menu background only for GumminaLooks. Now this theme requires pixmap engine too. Let me know if you like the new background.
version 0.6:
-Added GumminaLooks Girly, because we don't forget about girls who use Linux !
version 0.5:
-Orange color default for GumminaLooks Silver
-Changed panel buttons background and text color in GumminaLooks Silver
version 0.4:
-Added GumminaLooks Silver with silver background for panel
To change the color from blue to orange like in screenshot #2 use gnome-theme-manager and select color #FFC64F.
version 0.3:
-Added panel background
version 0.2:
-Panel Buttons now use murrine engine.
Ratings & Comments
You have to modify the .gtkrc file. At line 67 (in engine "clearlooks"), modify animation = FALSE in animation = TRUE. Ottimo lavoro :)
i like the added menu background. there seems to be an issue with the side pane view in gedit - the black panel border and the heading is barely visible in white. i dont think this was an issue in v. 0.6. not sure what is going on if you could take a look,. other than that, great theme!
Thanks. Yes, I noticed this "bug". I will try to correct it as soon as possible. Bye.
Damn! I didn't manage to find the cause of the "bug". Could someone help us to fix it?
the little squares thats used to change desktop...
give me some time. It is vacation-time now :D!
I think it's an engine problem. Anyway I will try to fix it. Anyone who knows how to fix this?
id like the view ports to be smaller...were can i change the size gtkrc?
what viewports?
what is the grey wallpaper your using, its good
Sorry but I don't remember where I found the wallpaper nor its license.
can you email it to me, d031999rowley@gmail.com
im using archlinux with all repos....dunno why doesnt work for me...
Consider this repo. It's mantained by Cimi and it's for arch linux: [gnome] Server = http://cimi.netsons.org/arch/i686/ Here you can find svn versions of gnome-themes and gtk2-engines packages. Install those packages and check if you have pixmap engine installed: my theme should work.
thanks :D
well im using the latest murrine hengine and the clearlooks 6.2...does it need any more engine? i didnt find the "new Clearlooks engine by Cimi"..any help?
It's all explained in description and changelog. This theme requires: -Murrine Engine -New Clearlooks Engine by Cimi -Pixmap Engine (only GumminaLooks) If you use ubuntu, read DESCRIPTION on this page to know how to install new clearlooks engine.
This new clearlooks engine, which is part of gtk-engines 2.11x is available aswell in gutsy as in debian/experimental, the debian/experimental package was built against gtk from unstable, so you can install it as the only package from experimental, dunno if it is the same with the gutsy package.
Thanks Chrispy. Wanna say that all the packages in the repos I wrote in the description come from gutsy repos. They are all official ubuntu packages although they are unstable.
well im using the latest murrine hengine and the clearlooks 6.2...does it need any more engine? i didnt find the "new Clearlooks engine by Cimi"..any help?
Hi, congratulations... it's so a wonderful theme. But the black background has some problems in the deskbar applet, because I can't see the text of "Actions" and others... but I've modified the gtkrc, and now it's ok... I've noticed the same problem if I open icon proprieties on the panel... And.. as regards the toolbar: I think that cimi shoud not enable the effects by default, because if there are two toolbars they are really terrible :) Per il resto molto bello... Ciao
Grazie! Can you post that modification? Cimi didn't enabled the toolbar effect by default, I've done it :D. Anyway you're free to modify the theme as you like.
I have commented these lines: class "*Deskbar*" style "clearlooks-panelbg" class "*deskbar*" style "clearlooks-panelbg"
this looks very professional. Nice and clean. My Ubuntu logo looks really nice in that panel! :) Thanks!
simple and relaxing congratulations! M@