make for use with Azurite blue beryl theme:
metacity theme MetAzur
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
· new tabs (old tabs not include)
·the gnome panel notify area background (thanks elbeasto)
·some little modifications
· change tabs
(include old tabs in the .tar.gz)
· include MetAzur MetAzur-blue (metacity) and Azurite 22px (Beryl Azurite personalised version, inactive is like active, only font color change to grey)
·change menubar-item.png
·modify panel button
add userChrome.css (firefox menubar white font!)
put this file in your '~/.mozilla/firefox/[PROFILE_ID]/chrome/'
thunderbird and white font menubar
(as root)
in /usr/share/mozilla-thunderbird/chrome/classic.jar
open /skin/classic/global/menu.css (line 170)
.menubar-text {
margin: 0 1px !important;
color: #inherit;
.menubar-text {
margin: 0 1px !important;
color: #ffffff;
save as menu.css on the desktop, and replace /skin/classic/global/menu.css inside the classic.jar
anybody know how to have white font in open office menubar please?
Ratings & Comments
Here's a fix from ubuntuforums thanks to xl_cheese. Can you try if it works? With this fix your theme will be perfect and stylish!! class "GtkMenuItem" style "theme-menu-item-black" class "GtkTearoffMenuItem" style "theme-menu-item-black" class "GtkImageMenuItem" style "theme-menu-item-black" widget_class "*MenuItem.*" style "theme-menu-item-black" inside the style I have called "theme-menu-item-black" I added the following to change the OOO menu font color: text[NORMAL] = "#000000" # for black font. "#FFFFFF" for white font.
Hi Great theme. Can someboby upload this theme with solved Ooo problem? Thanks
Is there any way to change openoffice's menu text color? GREAT theme!! Thanks!
how did i miss this theme! fantastic mate! rated gud!
i thought i'd had enough of the color blue, but this one's bringing me back. nice work.
There is no userChrome.css file in archive. I was searching Google for solution and best could do was adding lines to userChrome.css: menu { color: #ffffff ! important; } Unfortunately it does not completely solves my problem. Now menu bar has white font but all SubMenus are in white as well :(. It's still pretty hard to read since menu background is light-grey. What is the solution?
oops! sorry I forgot the file! I re-upload the good .tar.gz now ;)
you can download the file with the userchrome.css now
I love this theme, using it now :-) One small problem tho with the gnome panel notify area. All the icons there have a white background. Is there a way to fix this by editing the panel.rc file or one of the other files in the gtk-2.0 directory? Thanks :-)
hi! have you reload the window manager? if not: right click on the beryl manager icon and "reload window manager" sometime the old gtk theme persists in the system tray I hope that will solve the problem
Yes I've tried that, it didn't work. I don't think that's the problem tho. Some gtk themes do it and some don't, so I'm guessing that the problem is some configuration file somewhere? Thanks for getting back to me btw :-)
Ok, I finally figured it out... I added: widget_class "*applet*" style "panelbg" widget_class "*Applet*" style "panelbg" to the bottom of the **PANEL BACKGROUND** section in the panel.rc file located in: /home/<username>/.themes/Azur/gtk-2.0 cheers.
hi! a big THANKS for the solution which you found :)) that will be added to the panel.rc in its next version
No problem :-) Thanks for making such a cool theme :-) I'm now having a go at fixing the shutdown/restart dialog. It has the panel background on it so there's like a horizontal striped effect and the text is black and unreadable. cheeers
Nice touch with the tabs, Zinn. This is turning into a really good theme. Keep up the good work!
thanks for your comments Shagbag :) now, I think that I should leave a few days this project because I fear to deteriorate it. I will use it just as it is and will think of the improvements to bring. appointment in a few days...
(FR) Hahaha la conversation :p (EN) Hahaha the conversation :p
i love this theme. its very cool, and very well done. my only problems may be with the programs. firefox doesnt work right (the menubar font is still black, which makes it impossible to read), and rhythmbox doesnt use the button look for the buttons.
This theme makes the Menu Bar font colour unreadable in Firefox, Thunderbird, and OpenOffice.
yes, I don't know why firfox, thunderbird, and open office don't use the white font color in menubar. Now, I use the "Tiny menu" extension in firefox and thunderbird, Tiny menu make a compact menu (see the screenshot: http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/2238/tinymenuzm9.png the red mozilla head is the tiny menu) ... unfortunately don't work in open office I really don't like this solution but it's the only one which I know. If anyone who read me know a solution, please send it :)
Here is a transparent image for the gnome panel. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Panel+BG+%28black-transparent%29?content=55455
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
Great theme. One problem I have, however, is that the Emerald theme (v1.2) doesn't blend 100% with the GTK theme. I can still see the delineation between the Emerald window border and the GTK Menubar. Is this intentional, or is it a bug (I realise that the current stage of development is not final).
yes, I know, it is not really a bug and it is not really intentional emerald top bar is 3 images (top left, top center and top right), only the top center is resizable... so, I can make a new emerald theme without top left and top right image (with square corners), in this way gtk and emerald will be 100% blended I don't know which solution I prefer: the actual 0.1 or square corners, and you? of course, if you or anyone else know another solution for have the both, that's what I seek (sorry for my english, i hope i'm comprehensible)