Elegant Aurora
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A modified Aurora GTK Theme with black panel and Blended Metacity theme with 2px edges.
Requires Aurora GTK Engine: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=56438
Thanks to ECHM for Aurora Engine and Blended Metacity theme. Last changelog:
Requires Aurora GTK Engine: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=56438
Thanks to ECHM for Aurora Engine and Blended Metacity theme.
Changed menu thickness.
Changed panelbuttons colors.
Restored panelbuttons blink on window update.
Changed scrollbar background.
Screenshots (1 & 2) updated.
Clock applet issue resolved.
Code cleaning.
Black navigation bar in file-roller resolved.
First release.
Known issues
Ratings & Comments
This theme is very professional-looking and clean. Very nice work :) Fortunately some recent updates to Cairo seem to have resolved some of the speed issues with the Aurora engine - it's now very usable :)
great theme, use Aurora engine theme again, thanks a lot for that.
Anyone know how i can add those buttons to another theme? I'm under the impression that you can use various engines in linux themes, so i would like to use those buttons with another 2 different engines (nodoka for the scrollbars and clearlooks for the rest of the theme) is this possible?
Yes, it's possible. You have to specify you want to use aurora engine to render the buttons in the gtkrc file of the theme: Open the gtkrc file with your text editor and search the section "theme-buttons" or something similar then insert this: engine "aurora" { #aurora options } that's it.
See i thought it was possible and thats exactly what i did, but it doesnt work. I've tried many different options but i always end up with bad results. I do have to point out that i'm not an expert when it comes to gtkrc files but i know how to edit them and i know what to look for when i want to edit something. If you wouldnt mind me sending you my gtkrc file maybe you can have a look and see what im doing wrong...
Lately, I've been swinging back and forth between my two favorite theme styles. This has moved me back to Aurora for the time being. Looks great!
Yes, I think Aurora it's a great engine. Maybe someday it will be included in GNOME by default or maybe it will be the default GNOME GTK engine :D .
Aurora looks nice but its a pity its so slow. I think only the eXperience engine is slower.
Thanks for the comments, guys!
those buttons are the sexiest thing I have ever seen on a desktop. very very nice.
xcellent one Roberto! rated gud m8!