This time I wanted to create a darker theme with a pixmap bg. Further all control-elements (buttons, scrollbars... etc) should be transparent.
To create this overlay effect and getting it displayed correctly wasn't as easy as I thought it would be and this may cause problems. This makes the theme pretty experimental as well...

+ 2xgtk
+ 2xmetacity
+ xfwm4
+ 2xemerald
+ gdm
+ userContent.css (Firefox3)
+ NowPlaying screenlet theme
If you have a widescreen monitor, please rename the file "bg-wide.png" to "bg.png" in the gdm-theme directory.
Because metacity resizes the titlebar if the title font is too big, I recommend to use the font "snap" as window title font. With other fonts try sizes around 7 and 8.
To enjoy the theme in all it's sexyness be sure to copy the userContent.css to your firefox profile.
If you find any bugs please let me know (if you have a minute a screenhot would be much appreciated).
The pattern for the bg is from (modified of course).
The wallpaper (also used as bg for the gdm-theme) is from (slightly modified). Thx again Mando for letting me use it!
Icons: Smokikon by magnussuther
Font: Snap (artwiz)
Ratings & Comments
I'm new to ubuntu,, just wondering how to get all those tools and gadgets up and running
i dont find place where to download that theme from this page ..:D sry im noobie
Hey, great theme! I'm using it right now, but I have a problem with the firefox scroll bar. Can you take a look at this screenshot please? Thanks a lot, German.
I really do enjoy this theme, but in Open Office the page is black and it's really weird looking typing on a black page instead of a white one. I was wondering if there was a way to make the sheet white.
never mind I found it lol
Thank you so much and I which you the best. Pat.
Great work indeed. Keep on!
The css file doesn't work. It un-themes some buttons and not others. Check out the screenshot:
ok now i have your wallpaper but in your screenshot there is a superimposed grid that looks really cool. how would i get that?
Just download this theme, and unpack it. This wallpaper is in the gdm-theme folder.
i went to but this guy has like 7 years worth of photos in his archive. which year is your wallpaper in and whats it called? Also, i tried installing your font from the artwiz pack but apparently ubuntu's font manager in the appearance settings doesnt support pcf fonts. im guessing there is a way to fix this but i cant seem to figure it out. any ideas?
Wallpaper is called "Antiorchid" year: 2006. Found it myself checking every single picture since 2009. Cheers
Wallpaper is called "Antiorchid" year: 2006. Found it myself checking every single picture since 2009. Cheers
hahaha thanks man. i started to do that but then i lost patience and gave up
while using nautilus with list view Expander before the folder name doesn't show, or is it supposed to show? Showing some kind of an arrow would be nice though. and for the roses, After searching for years the perfect dark theme, thanks to you, I've finally found it :) the background image is amazing.
Also few apps started on CLI receives this kind of an flood
Also another one, just a little visual glitch, which could not be related to theme at all. while using "gnome-terminal" tabbed interface you'll have thin white line in the borders.
how to install it? i figured it out how install emerald theme but what about the gtk theme or watever
Original, Consistent, Beautiful.
hi, very greate theme, but witch windowmanager is you using at the picture?
compiz-fusion :)
Hi, The picture you used on your title bars, do you have this in wallpaper? Feel like using it as a wallpaper for my terminals. Thanks.
Do you mean the bg image? You can find that one in the theme: Mira/gtk-2.0/Shadows/window-bg.png It is tileable.
Hey, your theme really rocks, however, it's too dark. What font do you use for the theme? I can't find it, so I've used the standard font.