Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
This is a very very nice theme; I'm another Elegant Brit fan. One tiny complaint-- I like light themes, and I'd be very happy with a lighter panel bar, one where the buttons and icons aren't opaque black, and the black menu bar.... just something to consider, though I like it already.
Simply beautiful! thanks for this great theme
Hu, just a little problem with this theme, it seems to not work properly with openoffice : the main toolbar (File, Edit, ...) background is now black, but also the font, then we can't see where to click :( Do you have a solution? Thanks
I fear it's a known bug with dark themes and not fixed yet. Don't know if it has been reported yet, you can file a bug report, see here : Rough step-by-step instructions reporting bugs. http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=47619
Sorry guys, I've been using Linux for a few months now but I'm still very much a beginner/noob on Linux. How do you install these themes, I've been trying to install them, I extract them to home using archive manager but I keep messing up somehow and I keep getting errors, or it won't take them. Can someone describe what to do step by step? I'm usning Ubuntu 8.10. Thanks.
you should simply drag n drop the package in the window appearance
Please consider making some emerald theme por this amazing work, i'ts somehow incomplete on my desktop (i use compiz standalone).
ok soon as possible to carry out the theme for emerald
Great Theme! What font are you using?
This has everything I liked from Elegant Brit, and improves on the things i didn't. You have officially made my new favorite theme!
thanks, was pleased to know that they have done a job that someone appreciates
Go ARCH!!! What icon theme are you using?
are hydroxygen_iconset of deviantdark
Very fast theme, good :)