Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
gtk-theme based on wasp-hard
firefox theme based on dustfox
screen blue version:
screen green version
http://upload.centerzone.it/images/d4sposhihf6inu6szdi3.png Last changelog:
firefox theme based on dustfox
screen blue version:
screen green version
15/12/09: fix problem "error: This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme 'Wasp-Hard-Drakefire-Mod' is not installed"
15/12/09: fix problem of white characters on the bookmarks toolbar in Firefox
02/01/10 fix openoffice script
Ratings & Comments
Ciao Drakfire, complimenti, davvero un lavoro stupendo. L'ho installato su Debian con qualche piccola variante e sono estremamente soddisfatto. Volevo sapere come hai risolto il problema dell'integrazione della dock di awn sul pannello di gnome per impedire che quest'ultimo si sovrapponga. Grazie.
Hops...scusa per la domanda idiota ma non avendo scaricato le applet extras ero convinto che la tua dock fosse posizionata sul pannello di Gnome (mi ha tradito la Notification area). Ho aggiunto le applet extras e vedo che esiste un applet 'Notification area' e il mistero è risolto. Ciao.
nice theme man, but i got a problem, i cant find the icon for the cairo menu, plz help!!!....
The theme is not bad I must say it, still, a theme that freezes my gnome entirely is not good. Not sure what it was, but I got my gnome completely stuck. Using mandriva 64 bits 2010
Forgot to say it was the gtk theme, not the emerald one (don't use it, so, I didn't test it).
+1 here, after installing it, my CPU go to 100%, and a gdm restart doesn't change anything. Have to restart the computer... (that's append on two differents pcs, all with ubuntu 9.10)
may be the fault of the murrine engine installed in the system
vedo che hai incluso il mio tema openbox Grazie.
dovere :D
Thaks Drak, this is what I need , also I need an openbox theme but i think I'll made it in myself p.s. my english sucks :D
Hi again First , I must thank you again . and .... I have some questions to ask 1 . Is that beautiful start button GnoMunu ? If it is then could you give it's theme too ? 2 . How did you changed Garbage icon ... I try it but there is no option .... or I must say : is there any way too change applet icons ? 3 . i put the applet notification of the awn to my awn ... but it make it in 2 rows ... how did you make it 1 row ? thanks for this awesome design again ... and sorry for my English ..
1. not gnomenu applet but cairo menu applet, the icon will be gnome-main-menu.png it retrieves from the current iconset theme 2. I used the applet stack, with that icon you can change easily 3. if you click the right button on an empty space, opens the options BTW thanks: D
Changelog: 15/12/09: fix problem "error: This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme 'Wasp-Hard-Drakefire-Mod' is not installed" it doesn't work for me >-<, the warning remained.
try deleting the theme from the system and reinstall
Hi, 1st of all gr8 theme. 1 of the best 1 I hav seen. Can you guide on how to apply the ooo.download patch! Thank u.
Once you download Make it executable with chmod + x ooo.sh and then start it with. / ooo.sh
Thank You.
Hey.... just executed the script, now ooo applications wont show any scrollbars :(. just missing space where they should be... how could I fix this? is there any way to revert the script?
where is the emerald theme?? :S
inside the first package tar.gz
Is there a way that you make the text for the bookmarks toolbar white?
just another bug fix, I will work there
fixed, thanks for reporting :)
Just thought I would say that it is working now. Thanks a lot it looks great.
già l'avevo il motore murrine... mah... sarà qualche bug mio, cercherò di risolvere, scusa il disturbo, ho dato anche good, grazie mille. ciao