Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
30.08.2009 -fixed gimp ruler bug
02.09.2009 -fixed some problems with unreadable text on light version
09.09.2009 -fixed problem with some apps that uses up to 100% cpu (i.e. drag & drop in nautilus)
14.09.2009 -added emerald and xfwm4 theme
some small improvements of gtk theme(colors)
27.09.2009 better look of some buttons(toolbuttons,combo...)
01.10.2009 check and radio buttons replaced
20.10.2009 -list view improved
01.11.2009 -better look of menu in dark version
10.03.2010 -fixed OpenOffice
Ratings & Comments
woow one of the best themes I've ever seen Just a couple of suggestions Silent Night-Dark -on several sites textboxes font are black like the background of textboxes, difficult to read (Firefox) -could you please make panel-bg bigger, like 30 px, just in case to want our gnome-panel bigger thanks and keep up your good effort
Yeah,internet doesn't like dark themes,it could be fixed with userContent.css. You can easily make bigger panel-bg pixmap in gimp.
already done it, but if you could do this for all I won't have to do that every time you update your theme for us ;)
I will do that next time I update this theme,if I ever update :)
hehe thanks so much for your effort and again congratulations, very nice theme I'm using it now
hello great clean theme bravo i m usually against pixmap (i do not know how to do) but your is really well done for firefox you should ahave a look to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Warmth?content=106753 he found a good workaround to use firefox and Ooo without too many worries good bye (voted good).
Thanks,I will fix OpenOffice.Reason why I didn't do that till now,well,I was thinking to drop support for this theme,because there is newer version.
Thanks for the great themes, nale12! How do you remove the Ubuntu logo from the main menu? Here's a screenshot of the problem: http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/4030/menuyf.png
For removing start here icon read the README file.
I did. For some reason, the "Show Icons In Menus" checkbox in Gnome 2.28.1 doesn't affect the main menu anymore. See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1295357 Has anyone found a workaround?
Yep,I know for that,pity,I was thinking you are running some earlier version of gnome.
Hi! I love this theme and I would like to put it in my desktop but it doesn't show like it should :( I give you an image and you'll see... http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/85/desktopsx.jpg I don't know what happens... Thanks for this theme and for the help!!!
Nevermind. I've upgraded it to GTK 2.18.3 and now it's ok. Great theme!!!
I think you haven't installed pixbuf engine
I think I had it before upgrading GTK+. But now it looks fine. By the way, do you know how to fix Firefox? It doesn't look good... Backgrounds are totaly black (in toolbars, bookmarks, tabs).
I am working on it.
Hi! Great theme! Unfortunately (or fortunately), I've found a bug. When I use Silent Night, and I launch any of the applications from Openoffice, it (Openoffice) has no icons. Where there should be icons there are only words; e.g. it says "open file" in words where there should be an "open file" icon. The system I'm using is Mandriva One 2010 rc2 Gnome edition. Since it's not final yet, it could be a Mandriva bug, or an Openoffice one, but it only happens with this theme, not with others. Thank you for your excelent work, anyways.
I have no problems with archlinux,but it is openoffice bug with dark themes.Try google.
I have a problem in Firefox, buttons are black... on black text. Unusable
you must delete any css file in ~/.mozilla/firefox/default/chrome folder
One little but enoying thing : List widget in netbeans has both black foreground and background. This make the theme difficult to use for netbeans users. Regards.
I will check this,when I had time.
Just to be more accurate, I am using the light version
now should be all right