Olive Suite

GTK2 Themes

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A simple theme inspired by the nonstep suite for litestep. http://nonstep.litestep.com/screenshots/

Wanted to make something that looked like it was done with CSS and this is what i came up with.

The cut out effect doesn't get displayed the way I would like due to the (lack of) options in the engine for stretching images, maybe this will change one day.

BMP Skin by me.
Window buttons from epicbard's MintJulup Openbox theme. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~fanguelo/dtop.html

Wallpaper by http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/1930189/
Icons by http://tango-project.org/Tango_Desktop_Project
Last changelog:

1.6 (experimental. still cant decide if i like some of the changes)
-Too much to mention. Changed just about everything in one way or another.
-Decided to make a complete suite based on the theme. Will be going through the Tango icons making all of the folders match at every size...
-Added matching BMP Skin to the package.

Ratings & Comments



3 giving low score simply for the fact that gtk2 doesn't look like the screenshot advertised... I would be satisfied if the colors worked, but not even the colors are right... And what do I do with the BMP directory? I put inside the other? Instructions? I don't care about the buttons and borders, I just wanted the colors to work exactly like the picture


I love it! I'd like a gtk+3 version, though.


Is this icon set still available for download some where? If anyone has it please share it.. I am sure I am not the only one who would appreciate it. Also there seems to be an issue with the dotted line on the bottom of the panel not going clear across the bar with some panel icons. Anyone know how to fix this? I really like this theme and am willing to put work into fixing it up and re-releasing it if else will. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


It's really great - nice to see a good-looking theme for once. I have two problems though: 1. The icon link doesn'r work anymore. 2. When having a sytem menu on a panel, the system menu and the rest of the panel has different borders (one being solid and the other dotted). It looks discontinuous. Is there a way to fix this? Again, thanks for a great theme!


I just noticed that if I make the panel bigger, the dotted line will now cross through it, which doesn't look very good either... I would fix it if I knew how :)


cannot find XFWM deco... where is it? if here is somebody as stupid as me, he can use http://home.peterstar.ru/unixgeeks/olivexfwm.tar.bz2 i made it for myself


Why are the customizations of Tango are made in such a weird way? I have made it like this (http://schiller.shirk.pl/~aleander/tango-greenscale.tar.gz) so that it inherits the (hopefully) already installed Tango theme, only overriding the icons of folders. I don't really know the index.theme structure, but this works for me. Have I missed something? (apart from the fact, that I need to keep the original Tango theme installed :>)


Hi twigsby so some tips i want to let out! +The dotted line delemiting the menu bar, some time the dots are little lines, which really looks slick (in epiphany for eg.), and some times they are dots, which really looks bad... you have the whole line only dots... +The arrows look generic and don't match the slickness of the theme... +gcalctools menu bar does not have dotted lines at all... +the resize widget looks generic +open mahjongg and take a look, a completely dotted line on a blue background, looks very ugly... +F-spot is totally screwed-up, please take a look by yourself... +Abiword has one dotted line and exactly under it a non dotted-line which looks also very interesting... +There seems to be a mix between generic arrows and arrows you designed it would be great to track this down... +sometimes the theme looks too plain too boring? But maybe that's only my taste... I hope this helped! Excuse my bad English and keep up your great work! bronze!


Thanks for the feedback! I'll have a look at everything you've mentioned. Though the dashed lines have been a bit of a problem from the beginning because of the way the engine stretches images. I'm still trying to find a way around that. Thanks again. :)


is it not possible to make a pic with only one dash and then tile it across?


It is, but then the image repeats vertically as well and it end up looking like the import window of f-spot. I've got a little work-around for it at the minute though where the image is ridiculously long (about 3000px) with a high border range. I'm not seeing any performance degradation because of this either (the file size only incresed by about 6 bytes.) Also, could you tell me what you mean about the re-size widget? I'm not too sure what you're refering to.


This is looking very nice... love it :) But as i'm dumb... what should I do with the bmp files?


What .bmp files? :| Do you mean the icons?


35572-Olive-Suite.tar.gz content is another two archive files. Meta that I put into .themes and BMP which I don't know how I have to use it. (maybe I don't). Thanks


This is one of the most amazing GTK themes. I love this one but I prefer the old version (1.5). It's more "modern" and cooler than version 1.6 (IMHO).


I think I know what you mean. I like the way the buttons and highlights turned out, but I'm not too sure about tabs and the notebook. Or is there something else? :D


Yes. I like the plain and simple thing. I think that version 1.5 has a retro sytle and that's cool an modern nowadays. Don't you think? I also prefer the metacity version 1.5 with the thick black border. I'm looking for something that goes well with these concepts and ideas: http://www.deviantart.com/view/4563862/ http://www.deviantart.com/view/20745611/ http://www.deviantart.com/view/17639312/ http://www.deviantart.com/view/724145/ http://www.deviantart.com/view/7230748/ http://www.vectorama.org/ http://www.quickhoney.com/frontpage# http://www.urlmag.com/url419/mag.htm


I'll probably create another gtk theme in the suite then. One that is more retro, and the other which leans towards being a little more modern. Cheers.


It would be great! I'll be looking forward. Thanks!


Instead of making too much, I would polish the gtk2 theme... I tested it and it looks very promising but it still needs much work... Reminds me of that mockup which got more then 90% here on gnome-look.org


Could you elaborate a little? What do you feel needs more attention?


Sure I'll think about some suggestions, but I'm a little bit busy right now! I'll write something ASAP!




by far and since long the best theme spotted on gnome-look.org. made it instantly to my new standard desktop outfit :) thanks for the superb work!


very neat idea and very neatly done!

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version 1.6
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 3

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