Perfect Gnome Suite
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
For those who are wondering, icons were Foxtrot and you can find them here : http://sekkyumu.free.fr/Divers/foxtrot.tar.gz.
All icons by Andreas Nilsson and David Chalkskeletons exept some (trash can and others) by me AND YOU WON'T FIND THEM IN THE PACKAGE.
+ 2006 June, 12th :
"Look ! I can spell !"
see screen 2 and some icons are still wip.
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+ 2006 June, 11th :
Changed things here and there... Maybe you'll notice them, maybe you will not.
It's not like I'm spamming huh... Corrected some mistakes in the GTK so you'll have to download it again (sorry guys) and put the metacity theme so you can use it with any GTK themes you like. I'd love putting another one which picks up GTK color but I'll need help from some code guys to help me to do it.
More to come soon.
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+ 2006 May, 22nd :
- New Metacity theme and port of the metacity to Xfxm4 thanks to Ashura. So... Xfce users, thanks Ashura for his good job ! Thought it's still the old metacity theme that is ported... Coming soon for the new .
- New Active Task and Menu selection (item) buttons. They should be... better now.
++ TO DO :
- Round Metacity theme with squared buttons and Round Metacity theme with round buttons.
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+2006 May, 21th (LATER) : See Screenshot 2.
What do you think of those new buttons ? The close button and maximized are better? Too much space between them ? Too small (someone asked me to make smaller buttons) ? Contrast is now okay ?
Tell me what you think please !
TODO : remake active task button.
Oh, for those who are wondering. Icons are Foxtrot and can be found here : http://sekkyumu.free.fr/Divers/foxtrot.tar.gz
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+ 2006 May, 21th : It's time to release the beast folks ! So what do we have... A gaim guification theme and of course the GTK & Metacity theme... Have fun.
Don't forget to put away the "guification" folder (in you.gaim/guifications/themes folder) before installing it (untar it to your .themes directory).
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+ Same day : Put the FINAL Preview (screenshot 1) before release .
OLD Preview is screenshot 2.
+ 2006 May, 20th : PREVIEW "RELEASE"
Theme coming TOMORROW
Ratings & Comments
Men, love this theme, is very very good.
PS:perfect is nothing.
Hi - I really enjoy your work, but I have a little problem : my gnome control center complains about a "gtk+ engine not installed". So my question is : what Gtk+ engine should I install to fully enjoy your work ? Thank you
While I'm not the author on this beautiful work, I looked over the gtkrc and the line that uses the engine with no name is just there to prevent Sodipodi from crashing. Don't sweat it.
make style "unstyle" { engine "" { } } to, style "unstyle" { engine "pixmap" { } }
Where did the Meacity Theme go could someone direct me?
Im very happy with this theme , can you make the controls more clear (more white) Many Thanks for this suite :D
One of the best themes, nice! Now, could someone port it to KDE?
The theme is ok, but PLEASE, would themers (this means you!) stop calling things "Perfection"? If a theme is ever "perfect", believe me, it'll be self-evident. You won't have to inform us.
I agree. However, if the themer feels that is perfect for his desktop, you cannot restrict him from calling this Perfect GNOME. To be honest, I like the theme very much and I agree with its name. But your experienc might vary. But you cannot ask him to name it differently. When you make a theme, then maybe you'll name it differently. [Sorry for the off topic rant - I just don't think its something worth complaining about and rating this theme bad.] [On-Topic] Nice Theme. I like it very much. I'm just wondering, what is the menu icon you are using in the lower left corner ?
Thank you. Well I don't plan to name it differently since it's 100% silly and insane and provocation. I'll assume that name forever :D. The icon's menu bar is from me and is called Infinit (a part of the Fedora Core logo). You can find it here : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=37879.
Ahah yes you're right. This name is insane but I'll explain why I called this "Perfect Gnome" and not "Grey Gnome" or something classic and boring. ;) ) It's not yet Perfect I know but I'm the kind of guy who likes provocation and dares to use it even if it goes too far (but there are some limits that I don't cross of course). "Gnome" stands for the desktop it's obvious and "Perfect" (this is what we're talking about) is about things the theme includes like the metacity theme. I don't know if you have already seen a metacity theme that goes directly with the menubar for exemple. Ahah I don't say that I've invent this but I don't remember where I could see that in any other themes. However I know it's not Perfect when there's no menu bar in the windows and it's "cut" but that's because of pixmaps limit. I know that I should have uploaded wallpapers and some icons that fits the theme to brings directly the "Perfection" but I just wanted to walk and take my time until I reach it and makes it as Perfect as I think it's ;). That's all for now and I appreciate it ;).
I like it!! Could you tell us which icons theme is used in the screenshot?? Thanks, Sergej
Hi, Thank you :). Icons are Foxtrot (http://sekkyumu.free.fr/Divers/foxtrot.tar.gz), but some are from me (like the trash can) so you won't find them in the package.
I really like the Metacity theme you are using here. It not only goes great with your gtk, but I believe it would look great with others. Could you release a version that the active colour matches the gtk? I had also made a comment about the buttons you used in the theme in regards to Rezlooks metacity. Check out my comment there.
Sure ! I thought about it while I was sleeping :).
put those nice comments on your screenshots? What application did you use? Great start of a theme by the way!
Just used Gimp ;). Everything (theme / metacity) was made by The Gimp ;).
Its one of the first few themes that I've liked in the recent weeks. Really Nice Job! I'm looking forward to all the improvements you have listed, along with the suggestions of others. Once again, great job
Almost. Theme is really, really nice, but rather slow, not only in comparison to gtk engine themes but other pixmap themes too. I have experienced some wierd redraw effects on my machine which prevent me from using it. Voted good nevertheless...
Hum... nerver had slowdowns problems... But I think what could do that and I'm going to work on it :). Thank you :).
very cool theme ;) I have one question about icons on 1st screenshot, icons of folder are "dark" but on 2nd screenshot they are yellow. Foxtrot from http://sekkyumu.free.fr/Divers/ have yellow icons. Can You tell me where I can find theme with dark folder icons ? btw. Your metacity rox! greetz :)
Hi, The grey icons are just the old Tango icons ;). You can find them by typing T ango on the search button (on gnome-look) and you'll find some old officials Tango release (0.6.3 i think) ;). Oh, the Foxtrot are NOT FROM ME. I just don't remember where I found them and who is the author...
Please create an version with buttons rounded and others ...
Don't worry for that ;). I'll be working on different mertacities so that everyone will be happy :D ! Systemx : Ahah of course the name is silly ;). I love the provocation and didn't found a pretty good titl though. And I'll make this project just perfect. Wow I love your desktop ! Wait for the Ashura metacity port for xfce. I'm gonna upload it with the new metacity theme in some minutes. t's the old one but definitely great for xfce at the moment :). Bronzecat : Yeah I'm gonna work a lot on that project :). If I have the time, I'll also work on some gaim icons but I don't promise that ;). Thanks everyone !