Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Hope you like it and enjoy it.
First release v1.0 - 21/08/06
* Updated to the last murrine engine and changed some colors.
* Updated to make it compatible with the latest Murrine Engine
* The menubar on the panel now it's the same color as the rest of the panel
* Changed the color of the active button app on the panel
* Fixed some bugs on the menu
* Chnaged the name to Murrina instead of Murrine
Ratings & Comments
404 on the download
Link error :(
Hey, awesome theme but I'm not getting the window border, I just dragged the file to the Appearance window on Ubuntu, am I doing something wrong?
I so much like this theme! (registered for this comment) May I note a couple of things though? - Autocomplete text and background are both black (try completing the same search in Google twice to see the autocomplete) - Maybe slightly lighter colour for the gnome panel (e.g. #303030 or even #282828 instead of #202020) or the separators? Thanks for sharing this theme!
In which browser? It doesn't happen with Epiphany, if it's firefox then it is a Firefox bug.
Hey, I really like the colours you use, except for the grey. I think the menubar and the menu's are really great. I also look forward to using your beryl/compiz theme. Thanks
Have I missunderstod something or shouldn't my panel change into that nice dark color you have in your screenshot? Mine doesn't so I'm wondering if it's by design or if I should start troubleshooting my Gnome install.
Yes, it's supposed to be almost black.
What Metacity (or Compiz) theme are you using?
Cerebro, soon to be released by me for Compiz and Metacity
this is an excellent theme. The blue with the white lettering are a perfect contrast. Great work!
please chanhe the name to MurrinaEternal_blue since as I said, Murrine means an italian word that means glass artworkS (plural), even murrina means a single artwork. Murrine engine provide a lot of murrina... understand?
This is an amazing gtk theme :) Thanks kpolice!
Glad you liked it. :D