Murrine GTK+ Cairo Engine

GTK2 Themes

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Official Ubuntu Murrine Thread:
New Website:

New Website:
New website has opened: with the goal to summarize all the good things happened this year before the 1.0 stable release.

The Future:
A transparent version (like Vista but faster and nicer ) is under development!

Donate to Murrine RGBA:
Please sponsor the development if you can! (It's a good way to say *thanks* for all the work I've done for free to everyone of you!)

Donate by clicking on the "donate" button!


Added Facebook Fan Page and Wiki :-)
Last changelog:

Overview of Changes in 0.98.0 (since 0.90.3)
Changes in this release:
- New supported widget: GtkExpander is now themed by the engine.
- New supported widget: GtkIconView is now themed by the engine.
- New supported widget: GtkInfoBar is now themed by the engine.
- New option: arrowstyle = 1 to draw filled arrows.
arrowstyle = 2 to draw fat filled arrows.
- New option: border_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } to draw a gradient on the border.
- New option: border_colors = { "#ffffff", "#ffffff" }
to set the colors used on the border of many widgets.
border_colors = FALSE to disable.
- New option: cellstyle = 0 to remove the border around the selected cell.
cellstyle = 1 for the border around the selected cell (as before).
- New option: comboboxstyle = 1 to colorize the GtkComboBox below the arrow.
- New option: default_button_color = "#ffffff" to specify a 2px border for the
default button.
- New option: disable_focus = TRUE
- New option: expanderstyle = 0 to draw arrows.
expanderstyle = 1 to draw circles with plus and minus.
expanderstyle = 2 to draw buttons with plus and minus.
- New option: focusstyle = 0 to disable focus drawing.
focusstyle = 1 to use dots.
focusstyle = 2 to use a small colored rectangle.
focusstyle = 3 to use a colored rectangle that touches the borders.
- New option: gradient_colors = { "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#ffffff" }
to set the colors used on the gradient of many widgets.
gradient_colors = FALSE to disable.
- New option: handlestyle = 0 for three simple lines.
handlestyle = 1 for three simple lines with inset.
handlestyle = 2 for three near simple lines with inset.
- New option: prelight_shade = 1.0 to select the shade level used in the
scrollbar's slider, GtkComboBox with comboboxstyle = 1 and
in the prelight state with gradient_colors.
- New option: separatorstyle = 1 to draw smooth separators.
- New option: shadow_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } to draw a gradient on
the shadow of some widgets.
- New option: spinbuttonstyle = 1 to add a separator on the GtkSpinButton.
- New option: textstyle = 1 for a shadow at the bottom of the text.
textstyle = 2 for a shadow at the top of the text.
textstyle = 3 for a shadow at the bottom right of the text.
textstyle = 4 for a shadow at the top left of the text.
- New option: text_shade = 1.0 to specify the shade effect of the text's shadow.
- New option: trough_border_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } to draw a gradient on
the border of the trough of GtkScrollbar and GtkProgressBar.
- New option: trough_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } to draw a gradient on
the trough of GtkScrollbar and GtkProgressBar.
- Changed option: glowstyle = 5 for a glow around the edges.
- Changed option: listviewstyle = 2 for a solid line.
- Changed option: menustyle = 2 for a bright glow inside the menu.
menustyle = 3 for a dark glow inside the menu.
- Changed option: reliefstyle = 3 for a gradient on shadow.
reliefstyle = 4 for a stronger shadow.
- Changed option: stepperstyle = 2 for squared steppers with a rounded slider.
- Deprecated option: gradients, please unset the other options instead.
- Deprecated option: profile, please manually adjust the other options.
- Deprecated option: scrollbar_color, please use a custom bg[SELECTED].
- Improved rendering: rounded GtkScale trough.
- Improved rendering: disabled GtkScale trough.
- Improved rendering: contrast function in GtkButton.
- Improved rendering: draw lightborder with on menubar (with menubarstyle = 1).
- Improved rendering: draw lightborder with on toolbar (with toolbarstyle = 1).
- Improved rendering: better GtkTooltip theming.
- Improved rendering: use bg[GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT] on the scrollbar's slider
with colorize_scrollbar = FALSE.

Bugfixes in this release:
- Fix a potential endless loop in draw_progressbar_fill and draw_menuitem.
- Support for automake-1.11.
- Some minor fixes on big-endian systems.
- Fixes transparent WebKitGtk window with RGBA colormaps.
- Minor fixes and maybe more bugs I forgot to link.

Overview of Changes in 0.90.3 (since 0.90.2)
Changes in this release:
- Better focus theming.
- Don't draw shadows around GtkSpinButton, draw an inset instead.


Ratings & Comments



10 10 the best


I would consider making a donation for this if the developer responses. Very interested because of the gnome 2 fork and further development for the MATE desktop environment for these engines.


Does this theme support both gtk2 and gtk 3 ? Is the developer still alive for this project btw?


Please, a GTK3 port of Murrine engine will be very very nice : - to harmonize different toolkits themes (GTK3 with GTK2 look like) - to get GTK3 apps better appearance. Thank you in advance!


Is murrine dead? The last post on cimi's blog dated 2010!


Thanx fot te great theme


I'm using it - a self-compiled version -for a long time now and it's simply one of the best GNOME features. It would be nice if we could set transparency levels via a panel, without a need to edit support.h and compile the whole thing.


Murrine engine 0.98 installation Works perfect !!


EXCELLENT as usual. If I change gradient_shade for togglebuttons, comboboxes are affected. My theme is here. I was able to isolate the togglebuttons for RhythmBox. Tying to get same look for other togglebuttons without affecting comboboxes. Any help appreciated.


Nevermind, I'm just a dumdass. I didn't have the dev files. Stupid noobs!


hi, when trying to compile the murrine engine (I am currently using 0.91 git): ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation I was getting this error: checking for GTK... no configure: error: GTK+-2.18 is required to compile murrine so I wwent to check versions and I get: $ dpkg -l libgtk[0-9]* | grep ^i ii libgtk2-gladexml-perl 1.007-1 ii libgtk2-perl 1:1.221-4ubuntu2 ii libgtk2.0-0 2.20.1-0ubuntu2 ii libgtk2.0-bin 2.20.1-0ubuntu2 ii libgtk2.0-cil 2.12.9-4 ii libgtk2.0-common 2.20.1-0ubuntu2 ii libgtk2.0-doc 2.20.1-0ubuntu2 I am a noob and may very well be missing something here, am I doing something wrong? If not, what do I need to do to make it work? Any help would be very welcomed.


can i regulate the transparency on rgba windows????????+ please help" i'm going to make a vista theme an i need to know!!!


Yes you can. Open the SCR folder and look inside a file named support.h. Here there are some settings you can change to set up the opacity, for example, this is mine: /* Opacity settings */ #define GRADIENT_OPACITY 0.50 #define WINDOW_OPACITY 0.60 #define ENTRY_OPACITY 0.70 #define NOTEBOOK_OPACITY 0.60 #define MENUBAR_OPACITY 0.90 #define MENUBAR_GLOSSY_OPACITY 0.90 #define MENUBAR_STRIPED_OPACITY 0.70 #define TOOLBAR_OPACITY 0.70 #define TOOLBAR_GLOSSY_OPACITY 0.70 #define MENU_OPACITY 0.60 #define TOOLTIP_OPACITY 0.70 Then save the file and compile


go, Cimi go!


where can i download the theme in the pics ?


Auguri! =P


Hi Cimi, Great improvements in 0.90.2, thanks. But the new focus_color option is blocking me. Is there any way to disable it? At the moment I am doing like this: engine "murrine" { focus_color = @bg_color } I would suggest you to improve focus drawing with more options... engine "murrine" { focus_style = 0 # 0 = no focus, 1 = focus without borders, 2 = focus with borders, 3 = glow focus focus_borders = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0} # {left, top, right, bottom} focus_color = @selected_bg_color } Regards


hi, How to install the transparent windows?? This is a preveiw or not? Thanks !


With the release of 0.90, murrine is one of the best theme engines :) Thanks for your work, Cimi. Also, could you tell me what themes you're using in the second and third screenshots ?? I can't seem to find them anywhere.


Hello cimi, I've updated to the latest svn, the calendar had rounded corners before, now it's gone. Can we expect it to be back? Thank you!


No, the calendar should be squared not rounded!


Got it, thanks for the reply.


Simply Thanks Cimi! Grazie!


I'm not sure I understand this release. I am currently using Murrine SVN revision 145. Is this release newer than that? Does this release include all of the improvements that were in the SVN versions like progressbarstyle and such? Also, if it is, are we going to see some updated documentation about the new engine options?


svn trunk is always the bleeding edge. 0.90.0 is trunk revision 149. the option definitions are located into /usr/share/gtk-engines/murrine.xml

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version 0.98.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 10

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